The New York Times seems to prefer the singular form...
One in 10 Belgians has attempted suicide
Nearly one in 10 homeowners with mortgages was at least one payment behind in the third quarter
About one of every three Americans inherits a tendency to produce a form of cholesterol that appears to be linked with an unusually high risk of heart disease
One in eight adults in New York City has diabetes
One in every six marketing executives is now introducing new products or new product lines
One in four girls ages 14 to 19 is infected with at least one of four common diseases
In North Dakota, one out of 10 men is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Only one out of 100 personal income tax returns is audited
nearly one out of 20 children covered by Medicaid is taking psychiatric drugs like Ritalin
One out of every six American high school students suffers from asthma
One out of every five local television news directors around the country
say their stations have declined to broadcast some news reports in the last year because of fears of possible lawsuits
About one in every five pregnancies in Australia ends in abortion
One in every four young adults, aged 18 to 24, in New Jersey are addicted to tobacco products
One in every five fatal car crashes in the United States each year involves a driver who does not have a valid license or whose license status is a mystery to law enforcement, a study released today says.
One in every five victims is a child under the age of 7
One in every 250 diet program clients loses weight in the long term