Okay - so we were at Gulf Shores, Alabama for vacation. We went to Lamberts which is the "home of the throwed rolls" (this is Alabama) - great big fun. The twins are 4. I have an infant that is less than a year old. We get seated and they do their "throwed rolls" thing and we get these amazing yeast rolls and our drinks.
So Baby B takes a big bite of a roll and seems to be feeling fine. Baby A and the infant are content and smiling when I look at Baby B (i like to call the twins baby a and baby b - since that is what the doc called them when he was pulling them out of my uterous.) So anyway - Baby B looks funny. A bit puzzled. And then ---- SPEW ---- and I hear gasps and "Oh my God's" and yes - Baby B has thrown up all over the table....and continues to do so - not once but three times.
Now - these - my boys are tiny. The doctor - he told me - the babies tummies are no bigger than their fists - but let me tell you - there is no way that something the size of a fist could hold this much - vomit.
I jump up - grab napkins - grab baby b,,,because he is crying, wipe his face - look at the sea of - vomit, and start putting kids in the stroller. My mom is with me and is apologizing profusely to the neighboring tables. The folks at Lamberts can't get us out fast enough...they bag the rolls and put our drinks in "to go" cups and shoo us out the door. We don't pay a dime.
I can tell you that I never saw one persons face. All I could say - over and over again - is - "I am so sorry"
Baby B also pooped in a pool one time when we were at a party..
And you wonder why I drink out of solo cups? Please.