alls i can say is they deserve each other. if he's stopping by the house before you get up in the A.M then theres something more to it than what is being seen on the surface.
you could handle this a myriad of ways the best one would be to cut and run. but, if you wish to have fun with it you could do this.
get one of your female friends , who is not bashful, and have her start texting you in a sexual manner( not that there will be anything there between you 2) and leave your phone where she can access it easily and "privately" and when she starts asking all the " juicy" questions, then do like wise to her. but give no answer or quarter until she does.
there are only 2 possible outcomes 1) you and her gain a new understanding of each other or 2) you both split up.
if you find a new understanding then you did good - regardless of outcome.
if you split well ,,,,,,,NEXT!