The Amish have Bishops that provide leadership an, with the Elders of a parish, wil decide on moral transgressions and community activities (some bishoprics allow tractors with rubber wheels, others dont. BUT ALL do not allow tractors to be used for "plowing an cultivating fields"
The Amish act as a community. They do not believe in one person laording his or her will over the others. The way that Mullet hd apparently established his cult (mostly members of his immediate family)it was more like a "Jim Jones" breakaway group where Mullet had set himself up as a Supreme Priest.
Dr Richard Kraybill, a senior fellow at the ANabaptist and Pietist Institute, testified for the prosecution because the issue became one of whether Mullets group was even AMISH. Kraybill's opinions, which remained as the compelling testimony in the record, stated that this was a kind of dangerous Cult that ws set on intimidation and religious "Extortion" of the real Amish Community. The Amish of Steubenville were scared shitless of this guy.
As you can see from the stories , the prosecution was successful at convincing the pnel of judges that they were, indeed, NOT AMISH.
Will Mullet's sentence be appealed successfully?
I hope not because , my AMish neighbors were traumatized by this blatant disregard of one of the symbols of their way of life being marginalized by a "soft sentence".
NOW, it is a very AMISH thing that, once the sentence is delivered and the prisoners begin their "time served", some AMISH Bishops, in a spirit of forgiveness (Which permeates their evryday life), will, no doubt, testify ON BEHALF of the defendents so that they can be given a lighter sentence.
The same way , that when the deranged guy killed those 11 kids in the Nickel Mines Amish School, one of the first things the AMish Community did was to circle the wagons of support AROUND the murderers wife and kids. They nursed the wife and the kids and , in a spirit of their gentke forgiveness, they helped heal wound and help remove the stigma of being a wife of a mass murderer.
I dont know whether I could have done that.