@Fil Albuquerque,
...I think I have clarified this matter in another thread using a different wording for "reality"...
..."reality" is one of those all encompassing words that becomes philosophically dangerous when one try's to clash it with any other absolute...
...if for one, a final proof regarding the true nature of reality, requires the whole extension of space time to be run through and with it the all sum of phenomena that it might contain, for another any single event that one comes to experience, is proof of reality true nature being knowable, as any event is a real event, a given to the experiencer...(for that matter even dreams are real events, in the sense that they are real dreams...dreaming is a reality per se)
So when one claims that reality is not knowable one is immediately asking what knowledge itself might mean without a "real reality" for background...(the pleonasm is intentional)