Razzleg wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
razzleg wrote:You write about truth, and yet always insist that you don't "know" anything.
There are, however, things I do not know...and when those things are being discussed, I think it ethical to mention that I do not know them. If the matter being discussed, for instance, is the true nature of the REALITY of existence...I am going to mention that I do not know the true nature.
Fine...however, you often use your apparent ignorance as a point against an interlocutor's argument. However, rhetorically speaking, your declared ignorance is not an argument contradicting your opponent's position. Just because you don't know something doesn't mean that another does not. I appreciate your "ethical stance" for what it could be (and what, i think, you think it is); but it functions primarily as a rhetorical/conversational roadblock.
i have to admit...i've never witnessed you declaring any knowledge..: i'd love for you to provide an example of something you "know"...
I KNOW I do not know the true nature of the REALITY of existence. That is an example.
I KNOW lots of other things also...and your statement, "You write about truth, and yet always insist that you don't "know" anything"...is absolutely incorrect...a fabrication (straw man).
And I have NEVER, EVER used my declared ignorance as an argument contradicting an opponent's argument. EVER!
Not sure where you come up with this stuff...but it is pure fantasy on your part.
Quote:Frank Apisa wrote:
I agree...I also THINK there is no findable absolute truth.
Well, I have not seen anyone here who claims there is a findable absolute truth.
But of course, you cannot be talking about me, because I do not do any kind of "believing."
I am someone who has often said that if there is NO ABSOLUTE TRUTH...then that would be the absolute truth.
The only reason I said that...is because IF THERE IS NO ABSOLUTE TRUTH...THAT WOULD BE THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH.
Fact is...there is no absolute truth is an absurd statement to make.
Oh boy...no knowing and no believing, you've wrangled yourself into quite the mental corner...Here's a thing, what if "truth" was not an absolute term? You speak as if to know a "truth" was to know the "whole truth"; what if the appreciation of "a partial truth" addressed a component of ABSOLUTE REALITY. Even if that REALITY could not be known entirely, does that prevent it from being partially KNOWN...?
To put it another way:
I have not wrangled my way into any mental corners here, Razzle.
If truth is not an absolute term...that would be the absolute REALITY. But that cannot be...because of the absurdity of the term. (By the way, "absolute" is something I am using because you guys are. Mostly I use "Ultimate REALITY.)
In any case...whatever is going on here in existence....IS WHAT IS GOING ON.
I defy you to create a hypothetical scenario in which whatever IS POSITED...IS NOT WHAT IS.
It cannot be done.
Whatever IS...IS...it IS the Ultimate REALITY.
In any case, Fresco argues against this argument better than you. He redefines words like "is" (for not other reason than to have his take prevail)...where you essentially are just saying that I am wrong.
I have never asserted that the absolute truth cannot be found...but I THINK...(suspect, guess, surmise) that it cannot. If you think it (or part of it) can...fine with me.
Quote:Frank Apisa wrote:
Well obviously, since YOU cannot see it...it cannot possibly exist!
Where are you guys coming from?
You claim to not know anything about ABSOLUTE REALITY; you claim that it might be unknowable...but what if it were knowable in parts. How do you know that no one else knows this? Knowing that you know that no one else knows anything contradicts your point.
Where have I ever said that I know no one else knows. I SUSPECT (that for certain matters like the REALITY of existence) no one else knows...and I have seen no evidence that anyone else knows...but there is no way I can possibly KNOW that no one else knows. And to the best of my knowledge I have never asserted that no one else knows. (If I ever have, it was a mistake in phrasing...but I seriously doubt it has ever happened.) The Ultimate REALITY
MAY BE unknowable...but how would I know that?
Quote:i don't know everything, but i know enough to know that i know some things, and my knowledge about the things i know gives me enough confidence to suggest that even the things that i don't know seem within the reach of one's knowing, ABSOLUTE REALITY be damned...
I know some things also...LOTS OF THINGS. Not sure where you are getting the idea that I have asserted that I know nothing. I know (in any meaningful understanding of that word) that the name on my birth certificate is Frank Apisa. I know that I am sitting at my desk in my den at this moment typing at the keyboard of my computer. I know all of existence MAY BE an illusion...and that my knowledge of the things I just said "I know" may be part of that illusion...but that using the expression "I know" makes sense in this discussion. I know where I live...I know I post on A2K.
Razz...you are building a straw man about my position...and arguing against that straw man.
Good luck with that.