Quote:Please feel free to explore in other directions what the consequences and ramifications are of living a life that is less 'self-obsessed'.
I think this is a very easy one to break down indeed...I think it is simply one of the greatest strengths, and probably the single-handed greatest concept that Buddhism has to offer, over pretty much every other philosophy, or religion...The whole notions of self-evaluations, while also promoting a life less self-centered...Or being a much more humble, simple, happy, empathetic, forgiving, accepting, kind, friendly, compassionate, caring...etc person...about every situation, and always being mindful or aware of these actions and the ramifications of ones own actions, is simply well advanced past any other philosophy, or the ways it is demonstrated as prominent in any other organized religion...
I think the fact that most Buddhists are very generous, happy, caring...etc people...Are the main reasons I choose to participate in Buddhists threads since I am not a Buddhist myself....And utterly feel compelled to get to know them better and understand them more...Because I want to strive to be those characteristics myself as much as I possibly can...Just like a Buddhist does...
And I would also like to say that I hope Christians one day embrace the significant importance of these self-notions while preaching how important faith is...
I think by what I have just said...It should be clear what I think the ramifications of being more self-obsessed would be...
From my own personal experiences...(which may differ for each persons own perspective) But I can sense from the God I think exists, that being humble is simply the most underrated, admirable, characteristic that one can simply possess...
In other words, it is the most prevalent concept that a person can possess, that he simply finds favor and delight in...that most do not have...