jerlands wrote:
Quote:Okay fine, then delete all the rest. Because it's the rest of the book where things pop up that suggest you should murder people. If you think they should keep all that stuff in there then there will be people who use the "rest" of the book to justify their actions when they want to murder people.
I differ in what is conventionally conceived by Egyptologists today. I'm told the pyramids were simply grand tombs for the Pharaoh but I think they're better understood by studying the crown they support (the ben-ben stone.) The pyramids are massive because they teach creation, manifestation, becoming. The New Testament isn't just a couple sentences because, well.. you have to explain things to people.. The first commandment is to love the lord thy "God" etc.. but does this give any indication what "God" is.. No.. but the purpose of the New Testament also is not understood and so volumes upon volumes are written and because of obscurity some simply dismiss it as superstition.
You are all over the place on this post. I see the pyramids as public works projects. They are big because a wise ruler with a large population needs to maintain order of the people. If the people are starving then there is disorder. A wise ruler creates an economic system where people are employed and can consume other goods and services. The pyramids were just one way in which jobs were created to create a stable economy for 50 years. At the same time the pharaoh then gets the result to show his greatness.
You can attempt to read in some "mystic" purpose but I just see it as a simple economic synergy of a wise ruler at that time. Nothing more.
jerlands wrote:
but the purpose of the New Testament also is not understood
See this is telling.
A god who can create the universe, can't make a book that is easily understood through out time? Wouldn't this god be aware that his "message" is too difficult to understand? Are you saying god is a terrible author and the people just can't comprehend it? Then that god has terrible skills for a god.
Instead it is more like this. Ancient people were trying to understand nature and they didn't have a good way of explaining certain things. So they borrowed (plagiarized) the people before them to help them put forth ideas to explain reality. Many of the statements in the NT are culturally solidified for that time and nearly irrelevant for our time. This is why they aren't understood, but are telling that the bible was written by people for people for that time only.