i'm 15 and he is 14. My guy friend asked me out and we both agreed to go out. But we broke it off because his parents didn't allow him to date and he wasn't really ready to go out. We both really liked each other but I have to wait 3-4 years before I can date him.
I text him saying:
Me: Should we wait for each other or move on?
Him: Honestly you probably won't still like me
Me: You never know I might. Would you still like me?
Him: I don't know
Me: What should we do?
Him: There's nothing to do but wait and see what happens I guess
Me: Yeah Ok. should we try and become closer?
Him: We shouldn't try to plan anything
Me: Okay. Do you still like me?
Him: Yeah. But there's not much I can do
Me: Ok. I like you too. I will talk to you on Friday
Him: Ok cya
My friends have told me to become better friends with him and see where things go. How can I become better friends with him?
Any advice will help!