BillRM wrote:parados wrote:I didn't realize bums and drug addicts could pass the current required background check
Why can not most of them pass such checks as all that is needed is that they had not been convicted of a felony for the most part?
You might want to look at the way the Obama Administration has been running the system.
Anyone who fails a drug test is automatically put on the list of people barred from buying guns.
Anyone who is accused of domestic violence is automatically put on the list of people barred from buying guns,
without any effort being made to determine whether the charges are legitimate or not.
And one of Obama's "23 executive orders" puts all people who receive a disability check from the federal government on the list of people barred from buying guns, if their government check has to go to someone else because they cannot handle their own finances.
Also, even though federal law bars the government from recording Form 4473s en masse, as soon as Obama took office, the ATF began going into all the gun stores and scanning all their Form 4473s into a computer.
So in addition to being a massive civil rights violation, this idea to expand background checks is part of a secret illegal gun registration list.