Wed 2 Jan, 2013 09:20 am
Confiscation, 10 easy lessons
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Gun Confiscation in Ten Easy Steps
By Steve Sheldon / 1 January 2013 / 9 Comments
All the time fellow gun owners say things to me like, “Seriously, Steve, how would they possibly gather up all the hundreds of millions of guns that are out there?”
Well my naïve friend, let me tell you how it works.
Step 1: Create an anti-gun culture and make guns and gun owners the bad guys at every turn:
On the evening news, every time a crime is reported, make sure there is a picture of a mean looking gun next to the chalk outline of a body. Portray hunters and sportsmen as backwoods unsophisticated hillbillies and rednecks. Feminize the society, especially the males. Create a culture where the police* are revered as heroes whose intentions can never be questioned. Demonize war and warriors. Label gun organizations “crazed lunatics” and “unreasonable extremists.” Make shooting restrictive by forcing participants to private ranges, then close the ranges by legal means citing reasons of safety, nuisance, environmental, or whatever possible.
Create terms like “assault weapon”, “high-powered sniper rifle”, “guns off the streets”, “weapons of war” when engaging in the gun debate making ordinary guns out to have extraordinary functions. Build on this disinformation by using movies, gaming, and entertainment that creates the falsehood that guns are capable of doing impossible things like firing hundreds of times without reloading or overheating or blowing up a car’s gas tank with the strike of a bullet.
Step 2: Build “security” systems that make the sheeple feel safe, giving them a false sense of security and overdependence on police and government authority while at the same time disarming them.
Establish gun free zones. Install security cameras everywhere. Place roving security cars with strobes in mall parking lots. Create neighborhood watch programs under the careful supervision of law enforcement insisting that no one be armed and that all incidents are to be reported to the police. Install and maintain elaborate computer entry systems in buildings. Establish pat downs at sporting events, etc. Put “no gun” signs in all public places.
Step 3: Play soothing music prior to the execution:
Tell the sheeple that the taking away of their protection is for their own good. Confuse them with emotional arguments. Convince them that you’re doing it for the children. Couch it as a safety issue. Use turncoats to make illogical but emotionally appealing arguments. Tell them you’re not coming for all the guns, just some of the more evil looking ones even though they function in exactly in the same manner.
Step 4: Wait until some horrible tragedy or series of events that make the sheeple susceptible to emotional arguments and knee-jerk reactions:
Step 5: Create a system that makes registration and confiscation simple and gun ownership very difficult and expensive:
Close private sales between individuals. Create a national registration or database that can easily be turned to for confiscation. Create bureaucracies that are unaccountable to the people and can serve the purpose of registration, confiscation, and collection. Create processes so cumbersome that no one would possibly want to purchase and register a firearm.
Step 6: Begin the process of making certain kinds of guns illegal:
Take incremental steps by isolating one group of firearm and pitting its owners against the “more reasonable” owner. Then continue to redefine “reasonable” insisting that if this class of firearm or that class of firearm were “off the streets” then society could be a better place and our children protected.
Step 7: Create “buyback” and “amnesty” programs that have the effect of identifying and confiscating guns that have slipped under the registration radar.
Step 8: Use some kind of national emergency to begin final implementation once the population has been sufficiently disarmed. This can be done through economic chaos or used as an excuse to quell civil uprising as a result of a variety of circumstances.
Step 9: Throughout the process, implement draconian fines and prison sentences for those who refuse to capitulate. Encourage neighbor to turn on neighbor and gun owner to turn on gun owner. Reward turncoats with positions of power or financial gain.
THIS STEP IS KEY: To those that think, “They’re not going to take my guns away,” you are a fool. Most people will capitulate when they are faced with huge fines and prison sentences. Look no further than the holocaust less than sixty years ago. These were not guns that were rounded up and destroyed, but human beings! Does any reasonable person think that this could not possibly happen again?
And for those of you who think democracy is the answer, Hitler was put in power through the democratic process and then gained absolute power though various political moves eventually taking full control of the government.
Step 10: Welcome to disarmament!
My gun owning friends, do not fall for these steps. Resist them at every turn. Today it’s thirty round magazines, “military looking” guns, online ammunition sales and registration, tomorrow, it’s full confiscation.
One final thought: If safety, security, and protection of our children are really the issues, then why first go after something that is rarely used in violent crime? Why not start with something that kills far more innocents every year like abortion, prescription drugs, or automobiles?
Don’t be lulled into false thinking. It’s not about safety or protecting children; there are better ways to protect against random acts of mass murderers than to disarm law abiding citizens. To quote one of my favorite bumper stickers, “It’s not about the guns, it’s about the control.”
*This is not an indictment against police, as I have family members and very close friends who are members of the law enforcement community who believe as I do and are very necessary members of an ordered society.
You create feminine men for such an unrelated agenda and you will find all ur base are belong to Hell. Particularly when orchestrating outright lies against careful people who have earned their gun licences.
The wussification of American males has been happening for decades and it coincides
with the ongoing 'dumding down' of generations of Americans by government schools.
I see your point, but there is a line at which a gentleman becomes a hardcore soldier, finding that balance is where you gotta rest the argument.
I hope we all get it straight man, I really do.
What you mean by dumbing down Americans, may be because of the war on terror, too many biology majors and highly strung physicists were a security risk in the 30 year plan.
There is no legitimate exception to the Second Amendment for military-style weapons,
because military-style weapons are precisely what the Second Amendment guarantees
our right to keep and bear. The purpose of the Second Amendment is to secure our ability
to oppose enemies foreign and domestic, a guarantee against disorder and tyranny.
Right to bear arms at time of war is vastly different to 'right to stockpile arms'.
Technology can now deploy a gun per civilian before paratroopers hit the ground if the planes are seen 10 miles away, in fact less.
If push came to shove, even in extreme, the right to bear arms would not be affected. But you would have to run to grab and re lock the crates when taking the number of guns required for the locality.
When this is the fact of technological capability, the only reason to not accept gun control, is that you fear your government, as though in invasion, you think they would not give you a gun.
If that were true, your enemy would be entirely among you now already, so it is not true. Oh, don't squirm over the ethnicity of but a few neighborhoods please, how pathetic the rattle.
Quote: Create an anti-gun culture and make guns and gun owners the bad guys at every turn
Seems to be whats happening without any help from anyone except the killers of innocents.
Dontcha think?
I agree with that statement.
farmerman wrote:
Quote: Create an anti-gun culture and make guns and gun owners the bad guys at every turn
Seems to be whats happening without any help from anyone except the killers of innocents.
Dontcha think?
No, it's libtards like Donald Kaul that are perpetuating the lies.
We are a country at war... the right to stockpile is valid and necessary.
Quote:Right to bear arms at time of war is vastly different to 'right to stockpile arms'.
You would still say this if military units could be from bases within 12 hours with all the armaments you require?
Even if they had rocket propelled crate deployment drones?
Which could arm a town in under 30 minutes?
Still it seems ludicrous... Nukes everywhere.
People cannot sit down for fear the government screws them, yet they deny emphatically that soldiers betray the rules, so which you going to choose?..
We do kill our own men, they violate our own, Hell I kill my commander, he orders violation. I am serious, I kill him there and then with zero thought.
Shocking?, that's the world order, why worry?.
Clinging on to weapons as a populous because weapons exist in criminals hands is ridiculous, they ricochet off you existing with your guns.
This has nothing to do with the military.
This has everything to do with a citizens constitutional rights.
Attempts to ignore the 2nd amendment are ridiculous.
Someone steps in your front door with a gun, you can kill him with a knife.
If you heard him coming you can kill him twice.. whats your issue?.
I do not really see you carrying sidearms everywhere, so your rights are ignored by you any-way.
Why are you clinging to your knife?
Get a gun and level the playing field.
If I had a gun it would be out every six months for a cleaning...
My knife would be what I used in any conflict other than a para trooping.
I cling to the knife, because if I cannot make a man die in my home, quickly.. then something is wrong with the world.
You seem to have a sick fantasy about stabbing a man to death
with your knife in your home, have you notified your neighbors?
Jesus fella, you really are born in the wool aren't you?
It is about if.. IF!
I was one of those guys who enjoyed watching a life slip away, instead of just letting it with no worry or delight at all, you find me in your house with a sharpened socket wrench ... Do you have the weapon to get and finish me, or is it my fun night out?..
All I meet are you non animal people everywhere, it surprises me that more of you do not bleed out.. I am fairly sure they show you 1% of reported crimes.
Notified the neighbors, are you completely off the map?
"Aww everyone, my wife has Japanise fish knives... set up perimeter overwatch!"
Constitutional rights: Obama is a killing machine
When will the US government do their job and protect it's citizens individual rights?