Mon 31 Dec, 2012 10:26 am
Sorry Fresco. You were the unwilling/unknowing inspiration for this word game thread.
We're going for humor please. Try not to be too brutal.
Fresco's original signature line:
Quote:Until a man uncovers himself he cannot see.
Changed to ...
Quote:Until a man uncovers himself he cannot be charged for indecent exposure.
Finn DAbuzz
To return to office a narcissistic amateur who seeks to ride this nation's economy and international esteem to oblivion, like Slim Pickens riding the nuclear bomb to its target at the end of the movie "Dr. Strangelove," would be disastrous."
"The people who voted for George W. Bush the second time where flirting with (and got) disaster."
Frank Apisa: To acknowledge what you do not know is a display of strength. To pretend you know what you truly don't is a display of weakness.
To accept any silly notion is as acceptable any other information.
@Frank Apisa,
That should have been "were" not "where."