jespah wrote:My folks were both really hit by it (my parents are 7 and 9 years younger than Bush). How long did it take you to feel better?
I had only one day (yesterday) where I was really bad. But that was pretty bad. If today was as bad as yesterday, I would have gone to a walk-in clinic or emergency room.
I still feel it today, but I feel like I am in a recovery phase (like my immune system has the germs on the run and is just wrapping things up).
My voice is still really weak though -- only as strong as a whisper -- and I am only able to eat a single bowl of chicken soup in one sitting (though at least I can stand crackers now).
But I made sure to take heavy doses of zinc lozenges as soon as I caught it, so I am probably over it faster than normal. I've seen a number of people afflicted by this for the better part of a week.