Thu 11 Mar, 2004 01:06 pm
I just saw Kerry on Fox News responding to the GOP's demands that he apologize for speaking the truth about them....basically he just told them to piss off....Good Job John!!!!!
Amen, brother Bi. Reminds me of Nixon saying, "I am not a crook."
Cool. And so cost-effective too. A free attack ad the republicans themselves will repeat over and over trying to make him look bad. My respect for Kerry just went up a notch, a big notch actually, for being so clever as well. The simple truth about republicans needs to be spoken frequently.
They decry his attack while they are attacking right back. Figures. Notice how they are trying to attack Kerry in subtle ways? So as not to appear dishonorable or lacking in integrity?
I love the charge that Kerry is just attacking and not stating what he plans to do. This is EXACTLY what Bush is doing.
I don't want to jinx it by saying something, but can you hear the drums, Fernando?
Looks like the republicans are starting to implode, at long last.
It just proves Kerry bought into the fringe ABB mantra, he isn't going to be legit or his own man, just another Ted clone.
Brand X wrote:It just proves Kerry bought into the fringe ABB mantra, he isn't going to be legit or his own man, just another Ted clone.
Or that he's not a pussy....
Brand X wrote:It just proves Kerry bought into the fringe ABB mantra, he isn't going to be legit or his own man, just another Ted clone.
Or that he's not a pussy....
I'm looking forward to a debate. It should be interesting.
I've had enough of this B.S. with people being scared to say what they mean. So what if it costs a few votes? I want to hear Kerry listen to some weak assault on his person by Bush, then come right back at him starting with the line: "With all due respect, Mr. President... are you f*cking kidding me?" Then rip him a new a-hole, starting with Bush's dodging the 9-11 commission, moving into Bush's Enron connections, rush to war, refusal to even mention Osama's name in public, etc. etc. etc...
Heywood, that is such a great fantasy.
Kerry is falling into the Dean rut, moving further and further to the fringe and he'll end up where Dean is if he isn't careful.
MSNBC has got an article on his speech and a video clip at:
If y'all would like to see exactly what he said.
the truth hurts...:-) read most of Anne Coulter jibberish...i say what's good for the goose is good for the gander :-)
Thanks, Fed! I was just wondering where I could go for that.
Ted Kennedy on the South Beach doubt about it, the GOP are taking the high road and focusing on the issues.....
You don't focus on issues when your doing battle, you hammer the opponent.
From Kerry this was unexpected, but encouraging.
It's politrix as usual....