Kerry/McCain in 2004, What the F--k?

Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 03:43 pm
McCain as running mate for Kerry?
Sen. McCain Open to Being Kerry's VP

WASHINGTON (AP) - Republican Sen. John McCain allowed a glimmer of hope Wednesday for Democrats fantasizing about a bipartisan dream team to defeat President Bush.

McCain said he would consider the unorthodox step of running for vice president on the Democratic ticket - in the unlikely event he received such an offer from the presidential candidate.

``John Kerry is a close friend of mine. We have been friends for years,'' McCain said Wednesday when pressed to squelch speculation about a Kerry-McCain ticket. ``Obviously I would entertain it.''

But McCain emphasized how unlikely the whole idea was.

``It's impossible to imagine the Democratic Party seeking a pro-life, free-trading, non-protectionist, deficit hawk,'' the Arizona senator told ABC's ``Good Morning America'' during an interview about illegal steroid use. ``They'd have to be taking some steroids, I think, in order to let that happen.''

McCain gained a reputation as a party maverick who appeals to independent voters during his 2000 race against Bush for the Republican nomination. This year, McCain has campaigned for the president and said he would continue to do so.

Unlike some other Republican senators, he hasn't railed against Kerry, a fellow Vietnam veteran. McCain called the Kerry-Bush contest ``the nastiest campaign so far that we have seen'' and said he preferred campaigning for candidates instead of against their opponents.

03/10/04 14:08
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 1,038 • Replies: 12
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 03:45 pm
Hey, this is a very STRANGE election year. I would not be surprised by anything that Kerry would do to topple Bush!
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 03:50 pm
It'll never happen... but I kind of wish it would.

Edited to add the following afterthought... It would certainly make sense given that the only really important issue this year.. the only one that will bring out the voters in droves, is the referendum on President Bush.
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 03:52 pm
Well, it would certainly hearken back (not totally, but close) to the old days when the VP was the second place candidate in the general election.

Not sure whether this would allow better cooperation between the parties or turn the Vice Presidency into a more Siberia like position than it is now.

It would be a heck of a ticket though. McCain tends to draw an awful lot of 'Independent' and moderate Republicans.
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 03:55 pm
I would have voted for McCain had he been the Republican nomination in 2000. Unfortunately, the Rovester ran roughshod over him, and he withdrew. Bush, Ashcroft,etc.. must go!
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 04:01 pm
Hmmm, interesting. MacCain is a real republican, and there aren't too many left in that party. But the democrats won't go for it. I think it is a great idea actually, and a true working definition of bipartisanship called sharing power like we are supposed to do instead of trying to dominate, dominate, dominate.

This is one of those great ideas that won't get any press. America seems to want to shun anything eye-opening in this day and age, unless blood, death or violence, or gasp, sex is involved.

The visionaries get labelled as extremists in this day and age, so as interesting as this idea is, I doubt it will fly...much like stemcell research still can't get its wings open....or public education can't get modernized to actually create intelligent, skillful labor.
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 04:11 pm
Sounds good to me. But so do Kerry-Edwards, Kerry-Richardson, Kerry-Clark...

McClain must really be a Bush fan to tell a reporter that he'd consider running for VP as a Democrat!
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 04:17 pm
Exit polls say anyone but Bush. I'll settle for that at this late date. I'm no Kerry fan, but if his runningmate was a chimpanzee, I'd still vote for him.
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Reply Wed 10 Mar, 2004 04:18 pm
Polls are OK too, but you should leave OTHER as an option.
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Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 07:28 am
I think it would be interesting, but I am afraid that it is a trap to dangle to would be voters for kerry in that situation and then when they are disappointed they would return to bush. That is why I hope that it don't get much news coverage.
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Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 05:06 pm
a chimpanzee,
"if his runningmate was a chimpanzee, I'd still vote for him."

I don't think shrub would accept the Kerry VP offer.
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Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 05:49 pm
It would certainly validate Nader's contention that there is not a lot of difference between a Republican and a Democrat.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 06:01 pm
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