America, land of the Ashcroft-haters

Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 09:50 am
Genetic issues?
Hey, me too! I come from a
Long line of cowards.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 09:55 am
McGentrix wrote:

Am I gleeful that the terrorists are getting their asses handed to them? You bet. Do I wish we lived in a world where that wasn't necessary? Yes to that as well, but as we don't live in a liberals dream world, we are forced to defend ourselves and that involves risk and death.


You *do* live in a world where this isn't necessary.

Our current adventure in Iraq is making more terrorists. It is not any part of their anatomy we are handing them- what we are handing them is more justification and more recruits.

This macho fantasy that Bush and his apologists are living in serve to do nothing but make certain people seem more important and justify actions that otherwise Americans would never accept. There is a strong motivation to continue cultivating an atmosphere of fear and "war".

There are many people who benefit from the current atmosphere of fear and war. The average American is not among them.

Ashcroft is not making my life any safer or better. To the contrary, he is attacking the very things that make America worth fighting for.

I wish he would just go away.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 10:55 am
McGentrix wrote:
Have you tried Lithium? I hear that helps...

how clever......and typical..
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 11:49 am
joefromchicago wrote:
Genetic issues?
Hey, me too! I come from a
Long line of cowards.

You are a coward?
I just have defective hips.
Glad I am not you.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 11:54 am
I don't hate Ashcroft, i don't know him. I trust him, however, about as far as i can spit on a hot, dry day.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 11:57 am
ebrown_p wrote:
McGentrix wrote:

Am I gleeful that the terrorists are getting their asses handed to them? You bet. Do I wish we lived in a world where that wasn't necessary? Yes to that as well, but as we don't live in a liberals dream world, we are forced to defend ourselves and that involves risk and death.


You *do* live in a world where this isn't necessary.

No we don't or else we wouldn't be doing what we are.

ebrown_p wrote:
Our current adventure in Iraq is making more terrorists. It is not any part of their anatomy we are handing them- what we are handing them is more justification and more recruits.

I think you are wrong. The terrorists in Iraq would be there regardless, they would simply be doing it with Saddam's permission. Now, the rest of the citizens in Iraq are free to stand up to those idiots and do what they need to do to defend themselves. Do you really think that the average Iraqi is upset with being free?

ebrown_p wrote:
This macho fantasy that Bush and his apologists are living in serve to do nothing but make certain people seem more important and justify actions that otherwise Americans would never accept. There is a strong motivation to continue cultivating an atmosphere of fear and "war".

What motivation is that? You mean the motivation to not have to worry about 9-11 being repeated? That's seems like good motivation to me. As far as cultivating an atmosphere of fear, the only ones afraid are the terrorists and the far left who can't stand having a president of action in office instead of a talker that dis nothing to protect America.

ebrown_p wrote:
There are many people who benefit from the current atmosphere of fear and war. The average American is not among them.

Ashcroft is not making my life any safer or better. To the contrary, he is attacking the very things that make America worth fighting for.

I wish he would just go away.

Give me some example of what Ashcroft is doing to make your life less safe and worse then what it is now. Give me concrete examples.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 12:15 pm
I think you are wrong. The terrorists in Iraq would be there regardless, they would simply be doing it with Saddam's permission. Now, the rest of the citizens in Iraq are free to stand up to those idiots and do what they need to do to defend themselves. Do you really think that the average Iraqi is upset with being free?

Really tried to let that one pass, but it is just too stupid for words.
Firstly: The "terrorists" in Iraq are there precisely because the US invaded. This seems to be the result of removing an authoritarian regime and failing to replace it with anything. Do you really think that Hussein would have allowed the sort of violence that is an everyday occurrence?
Secondly:The people of Iraq are "standing up to the idiots," in this case the US occupiers, and I applaud their efforts, though I mourn the US deaths. Again, none of these deaths would have occurred if Bush had not decided to invade Iraq.
Thirdly: You, and others of your ilk, frequently refer to the Iraqis being "free." I defy you to show me a single example of this "freedom." Most Iraqis have exchanged one harsh master for another. I suppose an argument can be made that people like Chalabi are now free to exercise financial power, and to establish themselves as territorial warlords and autocrats, but, despite your often demonstrated fondness for authoritarian and repressive measures in government, I sincerely doubt that this is the sort of thing most of the rest of the world imagines when they hear the word "freedom."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 12:38 pm
McGentrix wrote:
joefromchicago wrote:
Genetic issues?
Hey, me too! I come from a
Long line of cowards.

You are a coward?
I just have defective hips.
Glad I am not you.

as we are thankful not to be you.....
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 12:38 pm
McGentrix wrote:
ebrown_p wrote:
McGentrix wrote:

Am I gleeful that the terrorists are getting their asses handed to them? You bet. Do I wish we lived in a world where that wasn't necessary? Yes to that as well, but as we don't live in a liberals dream world, we are forced to defend ourselves and that involves risk and death.


You *do* live in a world where this isn't necessary.

No we don't or else we wouldn't be doing what we are.

Now that is a solid argument!

ebrown_p wrote:
Our current adventure in Iraq is making more terrorists. It is not any part of their anatomy we are handing them- what we are handing them is more justification and more recruits.

I think you are wrong. The terrorists in Iraq would be there regardless, they would simply be doing it with Saddam's permission. Now, the rest of the citizens in Iraq are free to stand up to those idiots and do what they need to do to defend themselves.

This line of reasoning is completely void of logic or fact.

The "terrorists" were not in Iraq. They were in Saudi Arabia (i.e. our ally). There was no connection between Iraq and 9/11 (or any other terrorist attack outside of the first Gulf war).

Furthermore until some 10 years ago Saddam was our friend, precisely because he was a secular (albeit brutal) regime. He was very good at preventing terrorists who are generally very religious.


Do you really think that the average Iraqi is upset with being free?

I don't think there is any danger of the average Iraqi being free any time soon. I think the average Iraqi would like a theocratic government based on Islamic law without having to worry about the will of the American "liberators". The US will not allow the average Iraqi to have what he thinks.

ebrown_p wrote:
This macho fantasy that Bush and his apologists are living in serve to do nothing but make certain people seem more important and justify actions that otherwise Americans would never accept. There is a strong motivation to continue cultivating an atmosphere of fear and "war".

What motivation is that? You mean the motivation to not have to worry about 9-11 being repeated? That's seems like good motivation to me. As far as cultivating an atmosphere of fear, the only ones afraid are the terrorists and the far left who can't stand having a president of action in office instead of a talker that dis nothing to protect America.

The motivation is that, as you so wonderfully illustrate, the people who support Bush don't need to act rationally any more. They can do pretty much what they want without accepting any responsibility or explaining anything.

Lose jobs during the election? -- Oh it's because of 9/11. Want extra powers to spy on your opposition-- Oh we need it because of 9/11. Want to jail American citizens without due process -- war on terrorism. Want to invade a country against the will of the international community-- war on terrorism.

Want to reelect a president who presided over record deficits (with tax cuts no less), caused a controversial war that cost 1000s of lives and was president while 2 million jobs were lost? -- just say "We are at war".

9/11 and the "war on terrorism" has become the cowards refuge for those who need to hide from reason.

ebrown_p wrote:
There are many people who benefit from the current atmosphere of fear and war. The average American is not among them.

Ashcroft is not making my life any safer or better. To the contrary, he is attacking the very things that make America worth fighting for.

I wish he would just go away.

Give me some example of what Ashcroft is doing to make your life less safe and worse then what it is now. Give me concrete examples.

Sure, now the government has the power to imprison an American citizen without due process or access to an attorney. I am an American citizen and this is taking away my rights.

The government can also gather evidence with a secret warrant, and I will never know anything about it. Again, as a citizen I used to be protected against this-- now I have lost this protection.

Whatever happened to the conservatives who believed in protecting citizens against government intrusion? (Please don't tell me 9/11...)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 01:10 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
I do not hate Ashcroft or wish his illness and pain on him. I hate his policies and can't wait to see him get the boot, and in fedrals and those like him's world, that means I hate him. No sense being concerned, these folks are incapable of a broader view, and their representatives have had their fifteen.

BPB - I think you're being unfair to Fedral here. The artical is quite clear as to what it regards as "hate" of Ashcroft, and I am confident that an honest reading by you would deem the examples just that. I respect your disagreement with Ashcroft's policies and your ability to separate that from a need to hate the man and wish him ill. And just as you see the difference between your viewpoint and one which hates the man, I am sure you recognize that there are many, who do hate the man.

Surely it is fair for the author and Fedral to complain of these, and unfair of you to suggest that they are doing anything more than that.

Cirkus Rocks! Cool
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 01:34 pm
please note scrat old buddy that the first sentence of fedrals refers to the liberals...not some liberals....not hateful liberals...just liberals. That's called a broad generalzation as you know and is standrd MOD for both the author and fedral among others.

That's my objection.

btw thanks. Junction 299 rules as well. March 26 we're back at Sidelines. Hope you can make it. Two new guitarists and stronger than ever.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 01:43 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
please note scrat old buddy that the first sentence of fedrals refers to the liberals...not some liberals....not hateful liberals...just liberals. That's called a broad generalzation as you know and is standrd MOD for both the author and fedral among others.

please note Bi, the 'first sentence of Fedrals' was actually the first sentence of Michelle Malkin, the author of the piece. My opinion can be read in the OTHER Ashcroft posting:

Ashcroft in ICU

or to quote FEDRAL


I think it's disgusting and I thought better of those of you here that you mock and make light of someone who is ill.

If someone walks into a sliding glass door and is embarrassed but unhurt can and will bring a lighthearted chuckle to those who witness it.

To take joy in the pain of others is just sick and is the sign of a poor example of a human being.

I think y'all should take a step back and imagine if someone you knew and cared about was ill and in pain and all the people around you were taking joy in it and wishing more pain upon them.

Just take a step back and get some perspective please.

I really thought better of this place, we disagree most of the time, yet we keep a level of respect and decorum for the most part.

Taking sadistic joy in pain, no matter who the person is or what you think of them, is just wrong.

or in my other post on that topic:


I said it earlier and I will restate it here, it doesn't matter what your personal feelings are about a person, you shouldn't ever take joy in someone elses pain.

Wishing with glee for another person's death is just disgusting and perhaps a sign that you hold only a tenuous grasp on your humanity.

It is amazing to me that the most vocal people screaming for Ashcroft to die a painful death are the far leftists that we have here. (Not all of them mind you, but look at the posts)

You are supposed to represent the 'compassionate' party and here you are circling with glee like a pack of vultures .... no excuse me, thats an insult to vultures... at least they are just reacting to natures call, they take no joy in the suffering of their prey . Only the animals that posted here did that.

Just my 2 cents (pre tax)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 01:48 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
please note scrat old buddy that the first sentence of fedrals refers to the liberals...not some liberals....not hateful liberals...just liberals. That's called a broad generalzation as you know and is standrd MOD for both the author and fedral among others.

First, the words weren't Fedral's at all, they belonged to the author being cited, and were:

Those oh-so-compassionate liberals could hardly contain their glee upon hearing the news that Attorney General John Ashcroft is suffering from a severe case of gallstone pancreatitis.

What the author was doing was impugning the notion that liberals--as a group--are all that compassionate, by citing examples of what some liberals are doing.

Surely you must concede that the traditional media stereotypes are that liberals are compassionate, caring, giving... while conservatives are the ones filled with hate. That's the point the phrase in question attempts to skewer. To read it as making any claim against "all liberals" is to fail today's lesson in reading comprehension. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 04:56 pm
Re: America, land of the Ashcroft-haters
Fedral wrote:
America, land of the Ashcroft-haters[/u]
Michelle Malkin
March 10, 2004

Those oh-so-compassionate liberals could hardly contain their glee upon hearing the news that Attorney General John Ashcroft is suffering from a severe case of gallstone pancreatitis.

I understand that many conservatives, deep down, must feel shamed that liberalism is factually a more compassionate ideology. The wieght of 10,000 innocent Iraqi deaths over an imaginary justification and millions of preventable deaths every year must take a heavy toll on their moral compass. But that doesn't mean they have to make absurd generalizations like the one above. Especially when they are as untrue as the one above. In fact, it only makes conservatives appear to be both lacking in compassion and stupid.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 06:21 pm
hobitbob wrote:
I think you are wrong. The terrorists in Iraq would be there regardless, they would simply be doing it with Saddam's permission. Now, the rest of the citizens in Iraq are free to stand up to those idiots and do what they need to do to defend themselves. Do you really think that the average Iraqi is upset with being free?

Really tried to let that one pass, but it is just too stupid for words.
Firstly: The "terrorists" in Iraq are there precisely because the US invaded. This seems to be the result of removing an authoritarian regime and failing to replace it with anything. Do you really think that Hussein would have allowed the sort of violence that is an everyday occurrence?

Tell me, oh OracleBob, who are the people setting explosives, shooting morters, running hit & run attacks, and causing all the general mayhem in Iraq? Who are they?

Secondly:The people of Iraq are "standing up to the idiots," in this case the US occupiers, and I applaud their efforts, though I mourn the US deaths. Again, none of these deaths would have occurred if Bush had not decided to invade Iraq.

Again, who are the terrorist trying to upset things in Iraq and creating the Mayhem? Who are they?

Thirdly: You, and others of your ilk, frequently refer to the Iraqis being "free." I defy you to show me a single example of this "freedom." Most Iraqis have exchanged one harsh master for another. I suppose an argument can be made that people like Chalabi are now free to exercise financial power, and to establish themselves as territorial warlords and autocrats, but, despite your often demonstrated fondness for authoritarian and repressive measures in government, I sincerely doubt that this is the sort of thing most of the rest of the world imagines when they hear the word "freedom."

Just one example? How about the celebration of Ashura? I would think that would be an example of Iraqi Freedoms brought to the Shia by the Red, White, and Blue.

When you come to your final conclusions on who the people are that are perpetrating the majority of the terrorist activities in Iraq, let me know.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 06:27 pm
ebrown_p wrote:

Sure, now the government has the power to imprison an American citizen without due process or access to an attorney. I am an American citizen and this is taking away my rights.

The government can also gather evidence with a secret warrant, and I will never know anything about it. Again, as a citizen I used to be protected against this-- now I have lost this protection.

Whatever happened to the conservatives who believed in protecting citizens against government intrusion? (Please don't tell me 9/11...)

Have any of these things been an issue for you? Did the government attempt to arrest your dog and question him?

Having the ability to do something and doing it two FAR different issues. (Did you know the government could have done these things before? Just ask any conspiracy theorist...) I asked for concrete examples and you gave could be's and what if's. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 06:35 pm
McGentrix, the examples have been given on many occaisions. That you have chosen to ignore them says much for your level of comprehension.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 06:38 pm
hobitbob wrote:
McGentrix, the examples have been given on many occaisions. That you have chosen to ignore them says much for your level of comprehension.

Apparently my level of comprehension is better than yours as I asked you to tell me who they are and you haven't done that. All you did is make some silly assed comment about me.
0 Replies
ebrown p
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 06:41 pm
Again, who are the terrorist trying to upset things in Iraq and creating the Mayhem? Who are they?

I will give you a hint. There was no terrorism in Iraq before the US invasion. Many of them came from outside of Iraq with the sole purpose of opposing the occupation. They are there to kill US soldiers (who should not be in this position).


Have any of these things been an issue for you? Did the government attempt to arrest your dog and question him?

This is a specious argument. You don't screw with the US consitution period. You don't take away the rights of American citizens, period.

The fact is that the Justice department has used methods that are normally considered prohibited by the Constitution against American citizens including seizure with out a charge, the denial of legal counsel and secret warrants.

The fact that I shouldn't worry if I haven't personally been a victim is ludicrous (although the scary thing is that I may never know).

It is like me saying you shouldn't worry about the crime rate in your neighborhood unless you have personally been mugged. When this is done to American citizens by their own government, we all suffer.

But let's get back to the topic.

Because of what he is doing to the America that I love...

I truly deeply and passionately hate John Ashcroft and all that he stands for. I am too polite to say any more about this vile man.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 11 Mar, 2004 06:50 pm
ebrown_p wrote:
Again, who are the terrorist trying to upset things in Iraq and creating the Mayhem? Who are they?

I will give you a hint. There was no terrorism in Iraq before the US invasion. Many of them came from outside of Iraq with the sole purpose of opposing the occupation. They are there to kill US soldiers (who should not be in this position).

Shocked Are you serious?!

The people that are responsible for the majority of the terror now occurring in Iraq WORKED for Hussein and legally terrorized the citizens of Iraq! I really don't understand how you can think that there was no terroriam in Iraq before the war...Oh, and they are not there now with the sole purpose of opposing the "occupation", they are there to prevent freedom in the middle east. They are there to protect their ideas of what Islam is and to keep the people ignorant and stupid.


Have any of these things been an issue for you? Did the government attempt to arrest your dog and question him?

This is a specious argument. You don't screw with the US consitution period. You don't take away the rights of American citizens, period.

The fact is that the Justice department has used methods that are normally considered prohibited by the Constitution against American citizens including seizure with out a charge, the denial of legal counsel and secret warrants.

The fact that I shouldn't worry if I haven't personally been a victim is ludicrous (although the scary thing is that I may never know).

It is like me saying you shouldn't worry about the crime rate in your neighborhood unless you have personally been mugged. When this is done to American citizens by their own government, we all suffer.

But let's get back to the topic.

Because of what he is doing to the America that I love...

I truly deeply and passionately hate John Ashcroft and all that he stands for. I am too polite to say any more about this vile man.

Rolling Eyes Whatever.
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