Wed 10 Mar, 2004 08:35 am
Well here I am folks admitting that I was wrong...
I spoke with my ex for some time last night..
It comes to be that everything that I have been believing was her, was actually not her. Someone has a sick mind and has been playing games with me over the internet.....She did come up to me and talk to me.....But the rest of everything was just lies....
See folks what the heart wants to be real tends to let the mind wonder around..My heart was looking into the things that I was believing so my mind started to question therefore I started to put posts on here......
I felt stupid when she read all my posts that I have on here....Her exact words were "What fantasy world are you living in?" Then that got me to start questioning that....You see every time I would believe it was her online it was never under her real screen name...And when I would check her real one and read her away messages or profiles, subconsiously I would start to think some of those things she would put were to me.....Like I said before what the heart starts to feel lets the mind wonder around....
Well if your asking how I know it wasn't her the answer is this when I was actually talking to the REAL her last night, the imposter started to talk to me. Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.....
I posted things on here because I would have what I like to call moments/feelings! My heart was sooooooooooo into trying to make sense of what was going on that It led my mind to question myself and make myself feel again.....So everything I have stated about wanting to kiss her like in the movies and wanting to be with again and this and that! All because someone was playing with my head making me think of the past! Now that I know the truth those thoughts are gone now!
I am sorry that I made all of you waste your time reading my posts in regards to her....Again it was all a lie....Due to someones sick game!
Now if your asking if I still do really care about her???????? I will leave that one up to God to let me know.........
As for her: No she is not trying to get the PPO removed. No she does not still care about me. No she is not trying to get back with me. Basically No, No and No!
But one thing is for sure I know thats real in my mind and in my heart.
It felt good to just be able to talk to her on a diff level....
Well folks I am going to take my lonely @ss out of here and I don't know do something! Have a good one everyone and thank you for the times we have shared helping one another!
Mike / Fred...
While I can't say I'm really suprised... how goddamn aweful! I am truly sorry. The silver lining is that it didn't happen later.
May I suggest, though, that if your ass gets too lonely, there's always folk here you can talk to. Even if we do give you a ration from time to time.
I agree with sealpoet.
My heart aches for you

Here this entire time you
believed what your heart wanted to feel. At least
you said that you were glad you talked to her on a
different level. Hang in there you will find the girl
that will make you forget all about your ex.
Dear Mike/Fred,
I am so glad for you that the truth has come out. Yes, I'm sure talking to her did you a world of good. Now you can go on with your life and leave the past where it the past.
I'm sorry if I came across harshly. Just wanted you to see through the
bullsh!t. Remember, only real friends will tell you the truth.
Your friend,
I'm sorry, that has to hurt. Her words were cruel. I hope you're really okay.
Yea things are going ok I saw her today at the gym and it was normal I didnt talk to her she didnt talk to me!
As she kind of stated last night to me, its like were at the begining ya know strangers who dont even know eachother...And it might be best if we keep it that way...At least for a while.
Fred - Don't take off because of this. Believe me, I don't consider my time wasted by reading your posts. If anything, one hopes that you come out okay from this.
I agree with SealPoet. Better to learn now, than later.
And, like Eva, I apologize for being harsh. I've been there, and I kinda understand what you went through. The same exact thing didn't hapeen to me, but it was close enough where I could relate.
Yah... like I said... we have been giving you a ration because we've been there.
Glad to see you checked in. For a while I thought we'd lost you...
SCoates wrote:How old are you fred?
I just turned 24 this past January.
Like everyone else, I can relate, if not entirely, and I'm sure that's why people get a little heated on such subjects.