Hi Code.
I gather you believe in marriage for ever.. I hope codeblu is not a thought in the wrong direction, regarding yourself because whilst you can not change a person, you can change your life and how you choose to live it.
Emotional abuse is one of the worst abuse in my opinion, because the constant put downs wear you thin and at some stage, some people actually start to believe what they are being told.. Those words are usually spoken as you stated, through in-security and the intent is to belittle you so far that you think that you are not worthy ever, of anyone else. It's a form of control.
I get the opinion that if she takes medication things are alot better, but they are not all roses. You need to laugh, smile, be happy. We only live once.
Do not let another person, put you down so far that you feel that you have sunk and you can't swim because you can swim...
What you experienced was traumatic, if it frightened you that much and if it has kept you away from her.
You need to speak to someone about it, understand it in its totality and realise that nothing you could have possibly have done, should have provoked such a response as you recieved.
Honestly? I would find somewhere to go for a couple of months, talk this out with a councellor so you can 1) find some peace, 2) understand it is not your fault and 3) re-claim who you are, find yourself again before you met this woman and then decide what you want to do from there.
No one deserves to feel the way you are feeling and no one has the right to make you feel that way.. This is your life.