10 years turns to "comfort"...
I don't believe you know what the word love is, to be honest.
The lies and deceit don't bother you.. In fact you went as far as telling this woman that you were going to get a Divorce, consequently off she went and did her bit, but that was a lie, you had no intentions of doing so. The deceit of 10 years with your wife, who obviously is oblivious to all of this, continues her life "loving" you and sleeping with you, whilst you sleep with someone else.
You can not lie and be so deceitful to either and that is what you have done/ are doing to both women, and be in love with either woman.
Here is what will happen next.
You are going to get caught out and lose both and your children and going to feel discusted about you, so you probably will lose them too at least until they grow up into real Adults, if you have a daughter don't bet on her ever wanting to speak to you and don't bet on her every trusting the word Marriage either, she will be scared and scarred.
Why are you going to get caught? Because you lied too many times, the last lie to this woman about you divorcing your wife, is the lie that is going to create a nightmare for you in the very near future, as she comes to realisation that you lied, it was all a lie... And, all of these years she has been the one on the side, the one that didn't get to sleep with you every night, the one that was given promises that were never going to happen, the one that was told " I Love you, I am getting a divorce for you" that won't go through with it... She is going to feel bitter, angry and when she gets to the boiling point, your wife, friends, everyone is going to find out ...
Now how do you feel ? Because this is what you have created...
Sorry, sounds harsh but that's the reality of it.. Everyone gets caught out in a lie, eventually....
Off course, you could let her go, and let her try to mend her marriage that you took away from the other guy for 10 years... It won't make it right but it would make it the right decision, when someone does not belong to you and in addition you have someone who believes in you and loves you.