Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea- Bush or Kerry?

Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 02:51 pm
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:
I'm watching Rumsfeld testifying right now and from his own lips saying they couldn't have formed a coalition or gone after Bin Laden or the Taliban in Afghanistan militarily pre 9/11 because no would world wide would have supported it.

This is pretty much exactly what the Clinton people said, and yet the right wing, weakened hip armchair quarterbacks rip Clinton for it.

Reasonable when Rummy says it though right? Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Can you offer us a citation wherein the "right wing, weakened hip armchair quarterbacks rip Clinton" saying that we "couldn't have formed a coalition or gone after Bin Laden or the Taliban in Afghanistan militarily pre 9/11 because no would world wide would have supported it"? Of course, conservatives have ripped Clinton for being soft on terrorism, but can you cite a specific example wherein someone "ripped" Clinton (or his people) for saying essentially what Rumsfeld said above?
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 03:10 pm
Scrat wrote:
Here's a link to a Slate article. (Slate is no conservative outlet.)

John Kerry's Waffles

Windtamer wrote:
Or how about this one.

So here we have an outline of a bunch of Kerry flip-flops, and a bunch of Bush flip-flops. (And tho the other copy/paste Windtamer offered was from a board, we've all read enough real news stories to see that there really is a bunch of further arguable flip-flops in there as well.)

So what was the difference again? What makes Kerry the perennial waffler while Bush is supposed to be seen as a steadfast steerman?

A propos "deeply held beliefs", I personally find it ironic that the Bush team is simultaneously trying to slam Kerry as a flip-flopper and as a through-and-through liberal. Of all Congressmen, Kerry's got the highest or second highest rating from liberal pressure groups, they say (ACLU, was it?). He almost always voted with Ted Kennedy, they point out - hell, if anything, he's to the left of Ted Kennedy, they say.

OK, so what is it? If he's a through-and-through liberal, to the left of Ted, then apparently he does have some deeply-held core beliefs. How is that circle supposed to be squared?

This is something the conservative posters here will get into trouble about. Right now the waffler thing is the main line of attack. Once the Bush team starts attacking Kerry for being Dukakis II, the ultimate Mass. liberal, they'll have some trouble flip-flopping the line of attack themselves.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 03:15 pm
Is that really an easter egg?

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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 04:51 pm
Smile Nice job, Windtamer. But as you've noticed by now, some people will believe what they want to believe, even in the face of evidence to the contrary! Rolling Eyes
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 05:16 pm
suzy wrote:
Nice job, Windtamer. But as you've noticed by now, some people will believe what they want to believe, even in the face of evidence to the contrary!

Yes, and we call those people "liberals". Cool
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 05:36 pm
Au contraire! The evidence on these pages shows otherwise!
Good one though.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 06:40 pm
suzy wrote:
Au contraire! The evidence on these pages shows otherwise!
Good one though.

Really? Can you show me some of the "facts" liberals have shared here? Care to do a comparison within the political boards as to how often conseravtive opinions are shared with factual citations from reputable sources as compared with how often liberals meet a similar standard?

Take your time. I'll wait... Very Happy
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:23 pm
Scrat wrote:
Really? Can you show me some of the "facts" liberals have shared here? Care to do a comparison within the political boards as to how often conseravtive opinions are shared with factual citations from reputable sources as compared with how often liberals meet a similar standard?

Take your time. I'll wait... Very Happy

And how do you suppose she should undertake such a comparison?

It is not nice to ask someone to complete a task which you yourself know very well is unfeasible, and then suggest that (s)he is somehow deficient for not being able to do it ...

My own very subjective perception is that there are a few articulate, serious posters here; a number of posters who don't go into all that much detail but at least try to argue their point; and quite a bunch of posters who specialise in mere expressions of emotion or opinion without any further argumentation - one-liners, often, both of the laconic and spiteful kind.

The first category is in the minority, and that goes for both sides of the field. But since there are more liberals here on A2K than conservatives, there's more liberals than conservatives in each category. Is my take of it.

And then there's a few serious posters who, however, sometimes let their sheer stridency tempt them into rhetorical putdowns or oneliners as well ...

we know who we are <winks>
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:32 pm
nimh - You're a decent sort, but you have a tendency of claiming that simple tasks are difficult. It is not "rocket surgery" :wink: to read through a few discussions in the Politics category and count (Gads! He wants her to count! The scoundrel!) how often liberals support their claims with citations from reputable sources and compare that to a count of the times conservatives do so.

My point, of course, was to show that Suzy doesn't have any basis for her comment; she pretends that the "evidence" in these discussions indicates something positive about liberals, but (as usual for a liberal) has no actual, factual basis for her position. She assumes it because she assumes nothing but good regarding liberals, and likely lacks the ability to discern the difference between what she thinks or wishes and what actually is.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:38 pm
Actually, I have to modify that description.

I can, from the top of my head, think of quite few conservative posters "who specialise in mere expressions of emotion or opinion without any further argumentation - one-liners, often"; counterparts of the BillW's of this world, say. Just two or three.

On the other hand, they seem overrepresented among the "serious posters who, however, sometimes let their sheer stridency tempt them into rhetorical putdowns or oneliners as well" ...

Perhaps both of that is a function of having to operate as a small minority on a board. You have to be pretty dogged to go in there in the first place, but you'd also be likely to have (or acquire, over time) a tendency towards the caustic ...
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:39 pm
nimh wrote:
Scrat wrote:
Here's a link to a Slate article. (Slate is no conservative outlet.)

John Kerry's Waffles

Windtamer wrote:
Or how about this one.

So here we have an outline of a bunch of Kerry flip-flops, and a bunch of Bush flip-flops. (And tho the other copy/paste Windtamer offered was from a board, we've all read enough real news stories to see that there really is a bunch of further arguable flip-flops in there as well.)

So what was the difference again? What makes Kerry the perennial waffler while Bush is supposed to be seen as a steadfast steerman?

A propos "deeply held beliefs", I personally find it ironic that the Bush team is simultaneously trying to slam Kerry as a flip-flopper and as a through-and-through liberal. Of all Congressmen, Kerry's got the highest or second highest rating from liberal pressure groups, they say (ACLU, was it?). He almost always voted with Ted Kennedy, they point out - hell, if anything, he's to the left of Ted Kennedy, they say.

OK, so what is it? If he's a through-and-through liberal, to the left of Ted, then apparently he does have some deeply-held core beliefs. How is that circle supposed to be squared?

This is something the conservative posters here will get into trouble about. Right now the waffler thing is the main line of attack. Once the Bush team starts attacking Kerry for being Dukakis II, the ultimate Mass. liberal, they'll have some trouble flip-flopping the line of attack themselves.

Use your brain man. I'm pretty much sick of this topic so I'm just going to end it like this. Lets just say Kerry really is a waffler. Well I'm pretty much convinced that Bush is a waffler too. So Kerry's just a waffler and Bush is a waffler and a hypocrite. To me, its a no brainer which one is worse. God Bless your Sean Insanity befuddled brains.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:44 pm
Actually, I find this us/them, we are better, you are dumber, we are wiser, you are liar (heh - fucked up my grammar there, but it rhymes) thing a tad mystifying, not to mention frustrating. I guess I'd better attribute it to your two-party system that engenders such schoolyard "youse stupid, we're gooder, nana" energy.

Scrat wrote:
nimh - You're a decent sort, but you have a tendency of claiming that simple tasks are difficult. It is not "rocket surgery" :wink: to read through a few discussions in the Politics category and count (Gads! He wants her to count! The scoundrel!) how often liberals support their claims with citations from reputable sources and compare that to a count of the times conservatives do so.

God darn it, now youve got me counting, dammit. I'll be back.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:46 pm
Windtamer wrote:
Use your brain man. I'm pretty much sick of this topic so I'm just going to end it like this. Lets just say Kerry really is a waffler. Well I'm pretty much convinced that Bush is a waffler too. So Kerry's just a waffler and Bush is a waffler and a hypocrite. To me, its a no brainer which one is worse. God Bless your Sean Insanity befuddled brains.

I dont know what you're yelling at me for. I was basically agreeing with you. If you can't concentrate enough to see that, dont blame my "befuddled brains".
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 07:57 pm
nimh wrote:
Windtamer wrote:
Use your brain man. I'm pretty much sick of this topic so I'm just going to end it like this. Lets just say Kerry really is a waffler. Well I'm pretty much convinced that Bush is a waffler too. So Kerry's just a waffler and Bush is a waffler and a hypocrite. To me, its a no brainer which one is worse. God Bless your Sean Insanity befuddled brains.

I dont know what you're yelling at me for. I was basically agreeing with you. If you can't concentrate enough to see that, dont blame my "befuddled brains".

Ugh, I hit quote on the wrong post. Please forgive my Bush-like ineptness. Here's the post I meant to respond to.

Now, having cited Slate myself regarding Kerry's flip-flops, I certainly have to accept that source on Bush's, so sure, that one I can accept.

But whatever is your point? That Bush has changed his mind or shifted positions on occasion? Who hasn't? If you read and digested my comments about Kerry, you'd realize that this point is really no point at all... at least to me.

Here's what I wrote to you just a bit ago...
Scrat wrote:
For me the issue ... isn't just a matter of being on the wrong side of the issues or trying to lie about which side he is on to pander to this or that group, it's a fundamental willingness to use any issue to his advantage, regardless of facts and without any semblance of integrity.

Now, if you really want to show me something, offer me examples of Kerry having some core beliefs from which he doesn't deviate. That's what I find lacking in the man.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 08:34 pm
Scrat wrote:
nimh - You're a decent sort, but you have a tendency of claiming that simple tasks are difficult. It is not "rocket surgery" to read through a few discussions in the Politics category and count (Gads! He wants her to count! The scoundrel!) how often liberals support their claims with citations from reputable sources and compare that to a count of the times conservatives do so.

I started counting in this thread. But this is MUCH more complicated than you make it out to be, Scrat. When does an expression of personal opinion (for which you cant be asked to bring a "source") become a "claim"? When, on the topic of terrorists and rogue states, you write: "Clinton made no effort to put a lid on the pot or to turn down the flame", does that constitute a claim for which evidence or sources should have been brought? Or is it merely "how I see it", for which you cant be expected to 'link the source'? I'd say the latter.

And what if someone already specifies the details in his post, does he then really need to back them up with a link that any of us could google up? When Thomas specifies how administration officials got fired for asserting beforehand what the costs of the Iraq war would be, should he have had to source what he already specified by name (who got fired) and context (what they had said, exactly)? I'd say no.

And who do I count as conservative or liberal? Thomas is a conservative in Germany, but would be counted as a liberal by you, I'm sure.

And when is a source "reputable"? When Heywood links to a garishly illustrated page from the Appropriations Committee Democrats, is that a reputable source?

So I'm making it easier for myself. I'm just counting how many posters here provided a link to, or quoted, a reputable source, in connection with an argument they're making. Period. Maximum one per post. I'm counting them as con or lib based on the context of this here discussion, and I'm counting any mainstream media, academic or public official (yes, that includes Heywood's link) as reputable. And I'm not getting into the question of whether the quote or link adequately proved the argument made.

Here's what I got at after counting the first three pages:

"Conservative" posts that include a reputable link or quote to back up a claim: 6
Total posts making a "conservative" point of sorts: 21

"Liberal" posts that include a reputable link or quote to back up a claim: 10
Total posts making a "liberal" point of sorts: 43

Thus far, the edge is to the conservatives ... but with a narrow margin.

(mutters: GOD this must be the single silliest thing I've done yet)
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Brand X
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 08:36 pm
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 08:43 pm
I'm rather amused that Habibi let himself be suckered into that. If Scrat wants a count of citations, let it do the count itself.
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 08:49 pm
Grr ... and then I got to page 4 and Dennis' post with its hell and damnation and all the jokey replies to that ... how ya count those?

I'm giving up for the night ...
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Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 08:52 pm
<mutters: bloody hopeless ... sucker ... shoulda just listened to the Setanta within me ... grumble mutter whimper scoff>

glad to have entertained the natives tho ;-)
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Brand X
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2004 08:52 pm
You are a very efficient and unlazy person....glad you're on A2k.
0 Replies

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