I would just ask him in the future, but not sure of what to say if he says he has no girlfriend. One friend says I should say "Do you want one" LOL I am such a chicken. I won't ask the staff. It is small and word kinda travels quickly if you know what I mean. There are two people there that don't blab ... hm and a lady I know well. I don't think he has a girlfriend - I asked him about his 4th of July and what he did. He said oh I went to go see my male friend and watch the fireworks where he lives. I ask about most holidays after or wish a good holiday. He often talks of family or spending it with guy friends, but you never know. Maybe I will be less shy to ask things like that over time.
A car ran into me while I was crossing the street legally a month ago and a few times after my mom got food to go there. She told a couple people about me because I was curious to see if they acted like they cared. He kept talking and asking questions and said I hope she gets better and can visit here again soon. He rarely talks to my mom really when she goes in. I went in again a couple days ago and he made a big deal of it saying hi and kindly saying he hoped I was better ... how was I doing and such like he cared. Others said hi but did not ask me anything - about the accident or anything.
He is really friendly and does talk to people, but different to me. Maybe I am seeing what I want to see ... who knows?