boomerang wrote:If a 30 year old wants to have sex with a 15 year old are you guys okay with that?
Yes I am. It's the same to me as a 17-year-old wanting to have sex with a 15-year-old. And even that falls short of what I should do by the logic of
your argument: By your reasoning, I should
prefer that the 30-year-old rather than the 17-year-old have sex with the 15-year old, because the 30-year-old is the responsible one. Remember?
boomerang wrote:Should a 15 year old be able to drink, smoke, join the military, get married, take out a loan?
As a rule, sure, why not? The only item on your list that makes me feel instinctively uncomfortable is joining the military. But that's probably a bug in my instinct. After all, I got
drafted into the German military at age 18, never mind what I would have chosen to do. And 18 is
definitely not hugely different from 15.