Sat 10 Nov, 2012 07:32 pm
So here I am today out seeking cool refreshment type places and I happen upon Yogurtology. This will be my new decadent treat. Where has this been hiding? Perhaps it is that I have been lost.
I really like that you are making your own concoction. I went with half of some crazy chocolate and half crazy espresso, fresh pineapple, extra large blackberres, chocolate chips, heath bars, choc chip cookies...and hot fudge
I also like that you pay by weight. This will stop me from becoming large sized myself.
It's layout had me thinking almost along the lines of the old Automats. Cool.
I thought the all white tiles, chairs, etc are asking for trouble but hey....for the moment I don't have to clean it.
Incredibly odd was Nutella topping. Had me chuckle and think of old time Abuzz.
Princess Ash would be all over that place . . .
I found the website. Seems they are in Florida and Arizona. They need to expand.
Web site lacks photos of shops and list of toppings.
My above description should say white tables, chairs...the rest is stainless
and dispensers for yogurt are in the wall.
Ash should make the trip then if needed. Worth it.
Website needs photos. Quinn opportunity!
Yogurtology is great. Have one near my home.
Thanks. I gotta check it out soon. I beleive it's across from the Royal 20 theater downtown (not far for you) which can make it awfully convenient when seeing a movie.
around my area it this is big right now...LimeBerry is the brand and they are opening stores fast, expecting to have 5 in the first year. thing is though that I know an insider who says that the numbers are not working even as the customer counts are high. it is not clear yet that this business model is sustainable
edit: i am thinking they might finish off Cold Stone Creamery here, just down the street from their second store. Cold Stone is a brand which is in deep trouble already due to mismanagement, high price point and being an extremely high fat food.
I also recall a chain of stores called TCBY (that can't be yogurt). I must've gone to one 6 times all totalled.
Ragman wrote:
I also recall a chain of stores called TCBY (that can't be yogurt). I must've gone to one 6 times all totalled.
yogurt has been a fad that has come and gone at least three times in my lifetime. maybe this yogurt salad bar concept will be different, but I doubt it. one of the big problems is that in order to offer lots of fresh toppings, which is what people want, they need high customer counts. the knock on limeberry is that the base yogurt is cheap not very good stuff and they dont have enough fresh fruit toppings. you can offer 6 flavors of not very good yogurt but you still have not very good yogurt. not everybody will fail to notice.
in my home town frozen custard is where it is at, served like soft serve ice cream. this is big in northern Ill and southern Wisconsin but I dont know about other places.
Quote:Simple, clean and delicious.
Three words we often hear to describe our concept. But why these three?
Well, it starts with the simplicity of what we offer: nutritious frozen yogurt and deliciously fresh toppings set in a self-serve environment that allows you to create your own frozen masterpiece.
Next, as you walk through our store you’ll notice our Yogurtologists diligently tidying up the shop. Why? Because we want every customer to feel they are the first to walk through our doors. That’s why you’ll see us constantly replacing toppings, cleaning machines and picking up crumbs. Who wants to eat in a filthy place? Not us.
Finally, ‘delicious’ - ahh, music to our ears! We work hard to provide the highest quality products, that’s why we hand cut our fruits throughout the day. That’s why we even hand cut our candy bars! Sure, we could use frozen or canned fruits, or even use pre-cut bulk candy, but that’s not who we are. That’s not why you came to us.
Yogurtology - for yogurt connoisseurs.
yep, they need high counts if they are telling the truth. my bet is that this fruit is not cut "fresh" like the reader expect though, that they are chunks which have been processed and sealed in small portions so as to cut down on waste. "hand cutting" probably amounts to cutting open a plastic pak and cutting a large chunk of processed fruit into small pieces. that they dont claim to use "fresh fruit" is the giveaway, all they will claim is that it is not can or frozen.
My bet is you are wrong.
I don't go for toppings. Just the plain yogurt out of the wall.
Just thought of a great name for a custard store: Custard's Last Stand!
you and about 50 others on the JErsey and Delaware seashores.
Quinn believer listening.
Ok, ok, I'll have to review.
So, what is the interest where you are? sorbetti? gelati? 1950's ice cream? All nuttella all the time? grab that as an idea fast.
Gee, and I thought I was original. LOL
My area was boston til '99..then Stamford/Norwalk/CT and now Sarasota, FL. I'm not surprised that there are far more clever names for ice cream and dessert places than I can think up and to which people have beat me to the punch.
now you made me google it
Custard's Last Stand - Fox Chase, near Philadelphia

- Ventnor City, New Jersey
- Blue Springs, Missouri
- Lee's Summit Missouri (the Missouri ones are a tiny chain by the looks of it )
The Concrete from Custard's Last Stand