Thu 8 Nov, 2012 12:38 pm
Thanks to Miss Letty for the thread title idea.
It's Set's birthday and time to celebrate!
Hail to thee. Tis your boitday. Montezuma's onions be with you.
For the guy who has everything ...

Oh wait, I mean the guy who knows everything.

To a2k's master scholar!
Happy Birthday Set!
Darn girl . . .
Thanks Soz!
Can i get them onions fried?
I've already got one of those . . . and today i am 21 for the forty-first time . . .
Thanks Jessilonika . . .
glad to hear the verdict was not guilty
what's that you say?
never mind
happy birthday all the same
Who's Souciant? And what's he doing in there?
Well, nemmind.
Happy birthday, young man!
Indian love call for an Irishman.
Don't be bored; have a great one.
IS? I better re-SET my watch.
Billy Joel ? ! ? ! ? I'm gonna get ya for that, Deej.
Hello in there, Miss Cunning Coney . . . thank you.
Did yer math, huh, Valter?
A deep bow to Miss LettbettyhettygettyMaryCustisLee!
Lousy puns are always appreciated, Rag . . .
Now that you're finally old enough to drink this legally . . .
A sante, Setanta!
Happy Birthday,
How old is the old man Beth?
Happy birthday, kid. I'm hoping very hard that your birthday wish comes true.
Enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday Set... you don't look very old for someone who's have their 21st birthday for the 41st time (or was it 44?).
Hope you have a fantastic day and that ehBeth treats you right!
...... deb
...... ---
debonair insouciance is so you
happy anniversary curmudgeonessa old girl