Well, so far, so good.
Note - I am not an actress. But I've got pals I went to High School with who have appeared in NY, on- and off-Broadway.
Some suggestions - acting classes are good, but it also helps if you can sing and dance. You don't have to be perfect in either, but you need to have skills. These should be things that, if someone asks you, "Can you sing?" you should be able to say "Yes."
Also, cultivate contacts. For acting, it's likely, in the US, that you'd head to NY or California. Find out if you have any relatives, friends, anyone, any way, to have a contact there. At best, it's a place to crash. At worst, at least it might be a sympathetic ear. It can be rather lonely getting on your feet in the biz.
Also, cultivate other skills so that you can work while auditioning. It's not just a cliché that aspiring actors and actresses wait tables. They do! It's an easy (in the sense that you don't need a degree) job with flexible hours. One of my classmates worked as a computer programmer while she was struggling.
Good, professional head shots (photographs) are a must. And you will need to get yourself an agent. This means (a) sending your photos and perhaps a DVD or an .mpg file to agencies and/or (b) hanging around where agents are (try the more professional gigs in your town - you never know, but recognize this is more likely to happen in a big city).
Scour the trade papers (Variety) and see if there are any auditions happening anywhere near you. And go! It's a cattle call. You will wait around for hours. The chances of being taken are nearly zero. But it will give you some experience in that part of the process and it will toughen you up for the inevitable rejections (there will be
a lot of those, I'm sorry to say).
And stay in school! Both of my pals have college degrees, and they are both happy to have them. Because most people do age out of the profession, you need to have something to fall back on that's better than waiting tables. Also, college will further your education in this and other areas, and you can be in more productions and make more contacts. One of my pals went to college with Alec Baldwin. They are not close friends but they are not strangers, either.
See where I'm going with this?
Best of luck to you, and welcome to A2K.