VA is going crazy on intrade right now. A couple of sources claim that if you look county by county, Obama is in good shape.
Someone is making a lot of money tonight.
Yeah, and FL just flipped from Romney to a toss up
Now, the opposite would have been a real surprise.
FL is a surprise. I had written FL off but Obama is overperforming in many counties there.
Not looking too bad for Obama so far!
Michigan goes to Obama. Another pipe dream for Romney, shot down.
Out of curiosity, how long did you wait in line to vote?
Is two or four or six hours acceptable?
Florida 78% in and it's a 200 vote difference between Obama and Romney.
Less than 1% difference is an automatic recount in Florida. This is going to be a fun 2 weeks it looks like.
PA for Obama on the nets.
Romney pipe dream number 2 ******* smashed
Panhandle results in FL are late reporting and favor Romney.
Nate Silver called Florida super-close (I forget the margin but it was in the hundredths of a percentage point), and said last time he called something that close it was the recount election of Al Franken in MN.
Not another Florida recount!!!
Hopefully it will be moot if it comes to that.
How do y'all think the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are doing?
@Finn dAbuzz,
Oh big news there! thanks for that breaking news! the panhandle of Florida is full of redneck crackers!
Wisconsin called for Obama.
Uh Oh
VP candidate Paul Ryan lost his home state; Mitt Romney lost his home state of Michigan and his adopted home state of Massachusetts. lol
@Finn dAbuzz,
More than a week ago, Wisconsin was predicted to be in Obama's camp. WI not a swing state.
@Finn dAbuzz,
That's all three pipe dreams for Romney, up in smoke!!
Obama hasn't won, but he's in place to win now.
Need a big swing state called for Romney to keep hope alive.
I'm watching CBC, CNN and flipping through the rest of the bunch..
I've found the various maps posted early very interesting as well.
Some of the smaller races are interesting, voting overwhelmingly for different parties from county to county, or from seat to seat, and then switching allegiance for other races.