If Romney was Governor of Massachusetts his practices as state chief political officer (elected) should be known. So the polls by those who know his practice as state chief political officer (elected) would be a good predictor as to his potential as national chief political officer (elected).
The lasts worst case polls indicate he is lagging by anywhere between 10% & 30%. Remember these are not just partisans, these are the people who know Romney—after all he is their ‘favorite son.’
Romney's Massachusetts beat-down
With Ryan there’s the wonderment of this little ditty.
If Ryan is running for chief assistant to the national chief political officer (elected) why is Ryan spending so much money to retain his position as national political officer regional rep--junior grade (elected)?
Paul Ryan Still Spending Millions to Keep Congressional Seat
Now I don’t have a problem with Ryan’s duplicity in particular, I’ve always had problems with citizen’s of any stripe that are running for two elected political offices (elected) during a time when jobs in general are severely lacking. If Ilived in Ryans district I'd vote for the homeless.
Just my musings in an attempt to work out cobwebs in the brain and arthritis from the fingers.