I remember well in '08 the numbers of far right wackjobs, cheered on on a2k by some of the resident nutballs, in particular ican (now seemingly deceased and about time) and I think okie, who for a couple of months, according to what they kept saying, intended to join a heavily armed million man march up Pennsylvania Avenue to take over Congress and the White House and forcibly depose Obama. We all know how that turned out. Does that qualify as a riot? What makes you think anything different would happen this time around if Romney wins? (Which doesn't seem to be the probable outcome of the election anyway)
@Finn dAbuzz,
Quote:Some of the right-wing blogs have posted series of tweets from folks who quite explicitly call not only for riots, if Romney is elected, but assasination as well.
The key phrase here is "right-wing blogs". What else would you expect to find on right-wing blogs?
You mean all three of the membership of the new black panthers party had threaten to riot?
Hey Waterdude, did you riot?
We won't see him for a while.
Whether he planned to be in jail I don't know but he did leave on Monday saying he would be away for a few days. I think he knew what the election would be and was trying to make it look planned that he wouldn't be here to celebrate the Romney victory.
he was claiming ohio in a landslide yesterday afternoon.
I think he choked on his own puke...
I hope he gets better.
I was following the electiion fallout on Yahoo News, since that works well on my phone, and some yahoo on Yahoo, talking about Elizabeth Warren's victory over the pinup boy in MA, was wondering whether there were any sharpshooters in Massachusetts. I consider the idea of kakking one of my (very shortly to be) Senators to be pretty inflammmatory, and down to the usual level of assholery of s certain prominent segment of conservatives. You've got a lot of nerve speculating about leftist rioting, H2O. You guys pretty much have that market sewed up.