Oof, cocaine is a pretty big deal, yeah.
Did you plan to have a kid or did that just sort of happen?
I ask because ideally these are the sorts of conversations you have before you make a lifelong commitment (whether it's getting married or having a kid together).
As in -- "Drug use is a deal-breaker for me. Are you willing to abstain the whole time we're together?"
Or -- "Not having the freedom to take drugs when I want to is a deal-breaker for me. Are you willing to live with that when we're together?"
It doesn't sound like this is one where you can really make a compromise, either -- just a
little bit of coke, or something. Can you see any possible compromise?
I don't know, this is a situation that's half objective (hard drugs like cocaine can be really bad news) and half subjective (what you, personally, are willing to put up with).