@Region Philbis,
He's starting to create those jobs by closing a plant owned by Bains Capital in Freeport, IL, and offshoring those jobs to China.
That'll make how many jobs he's going to create in the US? 12 million plus those jobs lost in Freeport, IL, and all those businesses that'll also close because less people will be buying goods and services in their community.
If this isn't enough evidence for those supporting Romney, I have a bridge I can sell them.
For those who care, that also means less demand for all the companies that produces goods and services in the US that were selling in Freeport. Taxes revenue will also drop for local, state, and federal.
Those who have lost their jobs in Freeport will indeed become more dependent on our government(s) to survive. I'm sure that's too spacial for conservatives to understand.