Wed 3 Mar, 2004 11:04 am
Do you recall the time you were deflowered, lost your cherry, your innocence, your virginity? The day you were turned from a girl to a woman, or a boy to a man?
Did you have the good time?
Was it confusing, did you not have a clue?
I was a late bloomer, I was in college. My buddy's girlfriend and her friend came into my apartment one night drunk, and I was the only one there. The friend started talking to me, next thing I'm walking back to their apartment with them. We had the good time. I think I was so astonished it was actually going on, and so drunk, I never even "finished." Better than doing the opposite.
I find out couple days later she had a boyfriend and she practically banged new guys every weekend. I got a ride on the village bicycle. Hey, she knew what she was doing, and had a pierced tounge. It was the good time.
Stories about when you were an alter boy need not apply.
(answer to title: Snow White's cherry)
Nah... it was pretty awful...
"I thought that she knew
And she thought that I knew
So both of us were willin'
But we didn' know how to do it"
-Elvis Costello
it was an experience. I had a b/f from years in high school/college. After we went out for a little over a year, we did it. Neither of us had before and it was kind of like we were getting the first time out of the way. Things progressed nicely from there.
Well, it was pretty awful but the girl was stunning, so that made up for it, at least from my perspective. She's a
I was young - much younger than I should have been or would have my girls be - but....the past is the past anyway...
It hurt (obvious?) but it wasn't so bad. He was 2 years (to the day) older than me and I was home from school, and he skipped school (I'm worth it lol). I had just come out of the shower and he was laying on my bed (my little brother let him in b/c he knew him).
It was the usual, talking, kissing, petting. grinding then on the bigger things. He was very nice & gentle about it, did the whole 'talk to me and focus on something other than' technique (it worked fairly well)
Nice fella. Ouch. Glad to get it out of the way.
Haven't bothered with it since....
Haven't bothered with what? The penis, or your virginity?
Well, if you don't enjoy it once, life has too many tempting things to offer to bother with it again.....
I see, said the blind man as he pissed into the's allll coming back to me.
Like. recently I have taken up extreme knitting - very exhilarating, and no wet spot...
Now THAT sounds like fun.
Awkward is the perfect word to describe it.
Re: What's red, and has seven little dents in it?
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Do you recall the time you were deflowered, lost your cherry, your innocence, your virginity? The day you were turned from a girl to a woman, or a boy to a man?
Yup sure do.
Quote:Did you have the good time?
Hell yeah!

I bit hurried, but otherwise great.
Quote:Was it confusing, did you not have a clue?
No, I did have a clue...I like to read about things before I do them. So I did have at least a idea of how things would go.
Having been raised in a very Victorian family, I didn't really have a clue, but decided that it was way past time to still be a virgin. I picked a guy that I liked and let things happen. He didn't know I was a virgin and was a little shocked, but we both enjoyed it. Not the best way to go about it, I suppose.