I am a husband and father and have been around for a long time, and I can tell you from experience and life, that you should put off having sex until you are "at least" 18, preferably 21.
You are very, very smart not to give in to peer pressure. Your teenage friends know NOTHING about life or love. They just think they do. Many of them, many, will regret the choices they made as teenagers later in their lives. Trust me on that. Smoking, drugs, and alcohol, can and will ruin your life. Once the habits start, they are very, very difficult to break, and even so, they will have taken their toll on your mind and body.
And, when you do have sex, WHATEVER you do, use contraception. The very last thing you want, is to get pregnant before you really want to. An unwanted child WILL ruin your life, and will change it forever. If you do get pregnant, do not be afraid of getting an abortion. It is far worse to have an unwanted child, than an abortion. It is NOT a living human being until it reaches the 9th month anyway.
What you feel is right for you, IS right for you. YOU, and only YOU, are solely responsible for your life. Try your best to avoid making mistakes and bad choices. You'll live longer and happier that way.
Good luck!