not a bad theory there Jer.....certainly plausible.....
Interesting "take" on the subject Jer........and certainly not out of the realm of possibility.
More than in the realm of possibility, it is a cogent analysis. After the failed invasion of Chad, in which the Chadeans handed the Lybians their collective ass, with French support, Kuh-daffy was in exactly that position, of appearing to have lost his grip. It has little to do, though (as i would opine) with the opinion of the public at large, as it does with the perceptions of military officers and party officials, the only ones who could effectively threaten Kuh-daffy, or in the other case, Hussein. Moamar began frantically trying to cut deals with the West, giving up "terrorists" and paying compensation, because his very survival lay in assuring the life style of his minions, the only ones in Lybia he had reason to fear. Hussein was not in a position to make such a deal, and caving in to the West and inspections would have been suicidal for him. The Ba'at Arab Socialist party is older than his regime, and independent of the rule of Hussein's tribe. Those who wonder why resistance has been so stiff and prolonged really don't understand that Hussein was not essential to the will of the Ba-atists and the Sunnis to maintain their domination of Iraq. Had Hussein faltered, his life, and likely that of his family and associates would have been forfeit.