I thought that was striking. But so was the absolute absence of racism in that moment, those guys up front are practically jizzing their pants where Big Jay was taking them.
It is a magical magical musical moment, like dlowan says. That's 90% of the art right there, the composition from the photographer.
What I tried to add on top of it was something along the lines of an elaboration of the observation you made. With him in color and I tried to make it "infect" the others. I'm just not very good at color, I always used pencils as a kid and mixing colors for shadow is entirely different than merely changing pressure or opacity so I'm just not that good at it yet.
In another version I tried to express my synesthesia as the way it was working, and added a colorful layer of smoke coming out of the sax but it just made it all look gaudy and I never really nailed what I had wanted to with the colored part of the painting. Gonna have to bone up on my color theory and color mixing.