Tonight, while driving home, I witnessed an accident. A green sedan raced past us as we stopped to let an SUV turn left at a very busy, uncontrolled intersection. The green car hut the SUV on the rear right side, which then flipped over and landed on it's roof. Both car were driven by women, with little boys strapped in back seat car seats. This happened right beside me, scared the crap outta me. After we got the little boy out of the overturned SUV, I went to check on the other driver. She was a young, black immigrant muslim woman. She was so scared. She grabbed me and hugged me for about 4 minutes. I hugged her back and told her it was going to be ok. Thankfully, no one was hurt.
The hug also helped me. I was shaking like a leaf. Poor girl.. While everyone else pooled around the other woman, she was left alone. I played with her little boy, he was sweet, while the police, fire men and EMT's did their thang. One fireman brought a colouring book and a plastic fireman's hat for the little fella. He and I talked about the trees and the helicopter and played in the ditch/culvert, while his mother fretted in her ruined ride. My husband wrote out a statement, I couldn't. I was on the phone, and the fore-details, not the sound or the aftermath, were foggy.
A few observations... People are idiots. While standing on the side of the road, I couldn't believe the actions and behaviour of the rubber neckers. Or the honking horns and drivers at break neck speeds, passing people in an accident scene, seriously! fuckers..
People can be really mean. If this woman had been white, secular.. I wouldn't have heard half the shite I did today.
When I said goodbye to the little fella, he cried.
So, yeah, I guess you could say strangers misfortunes affect me.