Quote:I bet you've made a lot of men cry.
Naw, I've just added loads of flavor to their lives, and intrigued them with all of my fascinating layers.
The tendency of onions to make people cry was my main hesitancy about considering myself an onion--that's not true of me. Nor is my manner pungently strong or overwhelming, the way some onions can be. I'm more a Vidalia onion--sweet, tasty, mild, and rather unique. I'm not the everyday garden variety onion--I'm a little hard to find and not mass produced.
Quote:A Vidalia onion is a sweet onion of certain varieties, grown in a production area defined by law in Georgia and by the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)....The onions were first grown near Vidalia, Georgia, in the early 1930s. It is an unusually sweet variety of onion, due to the low amount of sulfur in the soil in which the onions are grown...Georgia's state legislature passed the "Vidalia Onion Act of 1986" which authorized a trademark for "Vidalia Onions" and limits the production area to Georgia or any subset as defined by the state's Commissioner of Agriculture...