@Joe Nation,
I was under the impression that our discussion was about 'marriage' because your last reply(about intimacy) was to something I said about 'marriage', but you already knew that didn't you?
So here we go again, I have to stop and point something out that you already knew all because you're such a vagina that you have to go 'acting' differently. Stop trying to be funny, nobody really likes it and you're just a distraction.
You shouldn't speak unless you already know that you know what you're talking about, otherwise you're just wasting your time. Also, the whole 'what do I know?' is just a tactic you use to get people to doubt their own 'hint' that you are clueless. Once again, you already knew that didn't you?
This has nothing to do with pointlessness/meaning or meaninglessness. However, based upon the way you write/speak, your life will be pointless but to you and you only. Also, there is no point in memorizing data, unless you're trying to sound 'educated'. If you want to re-read what I have written you can click my profile and click 'My Posts', simple enough.
I have no reluctance to make a commitment, I have a reluctance to approve of people who want to force 'commitment' upon those whom they claim to love and care about. It's controlling and is the new-found 'sham' of love, portraying itself as a kind of martyr but what's behind is that all-so familiar selfishness. Instead of just being up front about our natural selfishness we hide behind 'commitment', it's nothing new really.
You're talking about sex like it's a bad thing or that it's cheap or 'not worth it'. I assure that in spite of all your(and many other peoples') efforts against 'sex' there will still be plenty of people out there who will seek it, get it, and do it again. Don't you see what a pointless endeavor you've embarked on? The only thing you've accomplished here is you've gained the agreement of the majority of the people on the planet by gathering the general consensus beforehand of the subject matter and then presenting it as 'your' opinion.
Marriage doesn't make sex any less 'dirty' or 'cheap'. It's still the same act between two people. If you really love and care about someone you will let them be free to do as they please. You wouldn't confine them to you and only you out of pure selfishness and hide behind the guise of 'well that's how marriage works'!!!
And that's the name of that tune.