panzade wrote:
Touching story Set.
You were lucky Andy. Many Slavs and Balts were repatriated by the allies and went straight into the Gulag system for the crime of having contact with the West.
Some were repatriated, yes. It was a constant fear when jolly Russian officials came around to US or British-administered camps, cajoling the Allied officials to turn the DPs over to them, that they'd be taken good care of and sent home. Only the really gullible and politically naive US Army commanders fell into this trap, usually fairly junior officers.
I remember a contemporary of my father's, a man who had some English, telling us years later about the first time he ever heard the American expression "bullshit." He was one of a group of Latvians about to be truned over to the Russians for repatriation by a young American Army captain when a Colonel walked into the room where papers were being processed and where the DPs cowered in fear. When the captain explained in confident tones what was going on, the colonel looked at him levelly and said: "Bullshit. These folks ain't going nowehere except their assigned quarters. Tear that paper up right now, Cap'n."
Man had learned a new word -- bullshit -- and a new locution -- "ain't goin' nowhere" -- along with a lesson in Cold War politics. Always appeal to a higher authority.