I suspect the key is in the 'non prescription' decongestants et al. That is specifically what the doctor mentioned to Alana and me as being the problem. My guess would be that the OTC stuff just takes the problem below where we notice it - but doesn't cure the infection, so it can really settle in and cause damage. If we do the lots and lots of water drinking, and nasal irrigation (whether with saline sprays or water drips), while the infection is in its early stage - and that doesn't work - then we should see the doctor and get something that will actually get rid of the infection.
This is a really new way of thinking for me. I was always using OTC stuff, and I think I may have really caused a problem with it.
The doc, and most of the sites say that if you have 3 or more symptoms for more than 3 days, you should be seeing a doc. The OTC stuff say the same thing on the package (not the exact number of symptoms, but the same 3 days). By the time I went to the doc, I had 10 of 14 symptoms - and I'd had them for more than a week. No wonder my whole head was lumpy. Blechhhhhhhhhh.
Take good care of the sozlet, soz. Too bad you can't do the quick trip alone.
When we called the doc, early on (day 2) we were told to keep using children's Benadryl -- nonprescription. That's what didn't work, and so we just went in about a week later, then started with the prescription stuff.
Yes, soz, I did hear it from you. I've read it elsewhere too, but who knows where at this point.
to prevent sinus infection/sinusitis from re-occuring, i suggest you try HYDRASENSE, it's essentially "purefied seawater". it is recommended by the ear/nose/throat clinic at our local teaching hospital. i "brew" my own (recipe available on request) since i have to cleanse my nose regularly (just like brushing teeth) to prevent sinusitis from re-occuring and at $15 a bottle i find it a little expensive for daily use. see >>>
HYDRASENSE ..... for ear-problems an acidic (vinegar-like) ear preparation may be quite appropriate (but you would want to see your doctor, if you have a severe ear-infection). since mrs. h and i swim regularly and wound up with " swimmer's ear" on occasion, our specialist recommended that we use VOSOL or BURO-SOL regularly; it works for us. hbg
Doc assured us sozlet would be fine, and she was. Not a whimper. Now happily tearing up the plushest hotel room I have ever, ever been in. It has this table with a thingie that pops out and you plug in the laptop (E.G.'s got one) et voila.
Only have a moment, but wanted to reassure people who might have been worried.
That's great news, soz!
Have a great time exploring.
errrr, even the Red Roof business rooms have those pop-ups for your lap top. times they are a-changin'
Now that's the proper way to do it... :-) Glad you're feeling better.
EhBeth, I had no idea it was YOU under that hat until now. My monitor at home is so dark that I thought it was just a hat. Nice hat, nice pic!