izzythepush wrote:You're mixing up your categories, do you mean sterling silver or pounds sterling?
They're two completely different things.
I inferred that English money was based on given weights of sterling silver,
but I did not study that. My grandfather was an Englishman. We did not discuss that.
By now, he has gotten away with withholding that information.
izzythepush wrote:I would be very wary of a total stranger giving my son anything. Their motives may not be pure.
No one shud trust
ANYONE. How many times have I seen
FRIENDS testify against their pals in court?!!
Parents r not safe from children, nor
vice-versa, even to the point of homicide.
Love everyone; trust
no one. 1 of the most valuable points of advice in the Bible
is the story of Samson & Delila; <snip, snip>.
izzythepush wrote:On the subject of gratuties for those who have provided a service, I'm all in favour.
Yeah; that 's more fun with good looking chicks, e.g., waitresses.
U had raised the issue of
good deeds (even to the point of executing 1 daily).
I remember, as a kid: I used to get great volumes of free stuff in school, very ofen,
nearly 1OO% of it had very little value, or
NO value at all, in retrospect.
I thawt that getting free stuff was
BETTER, if it had
I love hedonism, whose
great GOOD is the creation of
It works best when your target does
not expect it.