@Fil Albuquerque,
Quote:4) predictions are generated by deterministic models
says Ugh
I suppose so but you mustn't underestimate the contribution of our Intuition, replied I
But speaking of rand/prob, doesn't Intuition for some reason object to the idea that if we could reset time by one day that the present instant would be absolutely the same as the first time
Yet, so far, that's what Science seems to be saying
Except possibly to Ugh but I'm no math whiz so have to give him b of the d
Incidentally however, instances of determinism are so rife it makes one question the obvious. For instance born 1930 of Deutsch ancestry in a remote Illinois village suppose instead circumstances were ever-so-slightly different, a missed train for instance, and instead I had been born in Berlin……..
Would I have been a Hitler youth, Heiling Him and hating Jews
Well no, given freewill, I assure myself, I wouldn't have. Sure I wouldn't
Yet the prospect occasionally leaves me in the philosophical and metaphysical lurch. Maybe the typical consummate adherent is right after all: The existence of God has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt, exceeding even the undisdputed phenomenal claims of Scientific Research
Then I come to a2k and find that amongst 100,000 or so members I'm the only one bothered by the lack of a scroll bar, perhaps I am off my rocker after all
OOPS, there it is! Thank you, God