@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:Weather the Universe is or is not reversible mathematically depends on knowing what gave birth to the Universe and how it operates
In that case, whether or not we live in a determined world "depends on knowing what gave birth to the Universe and how it operates". So, as you appear to be a determinist, what gave birth to the universe and how does it operate?
Fil Albuquerque wrote:I am still waiting for a justification on the highly orderly state of the Universe at the time of big bang given the the 2 law of thermodynamics
Waiting for me to give one? Why? I haven't said anything about the matter. On the other hand, there are plenty of things which I have said, some of them several times, but to which you have offered no lucid response. So, get in the queue.
Fil Albuquerque wrote:why did it start from an highly ordered configuration and how do you account for that ?
Okay, for the sake of argument I'll accept realism about the big bang and your implicit contention that the universe began then, and I have no account for the highly ordered, in thermodynamic terms, state. So what? What is your argument?