@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig Andrei wrote:The CIA is a loose cannon of a governmental organization.
That's silly.
Lustig Andrei wrote:It gets virtually no Congressional oversight because any time somebody wants to start asking embarrassing questions, all these jokers have to do is to say, "Oh, that's so highly classified we can't possibly discuss is. National security, you know."
Nature of the beast.
Lustig Andrei wrote:National security, my royal arse.
The CIA doesn't deal with national security?
Lustig Andrei wrote:They won't answer questions because if these dudes ever gave a straight answer, it would show two things (not always independent of each other, either): (1) gross incompetence in the "work" they supposedly do; and
I'm sure things do not always go as well as they'd have hoped.
But that's not incompetence. That's just life.
Lustig Andrei wrote:and (2)a total disregard for what in most other places passes for human decency and a respect for the laws of the land in which one is operating.
Yes. That is their job. It's what we pay them to do for us.
Lustig Andrei wrote:The CIA is a thousand-pound embarrassment to Uncle Sam
There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We owe these people our gratitude for everything they do for us.
Lustig Andrei wrote:and should have been disbanded long before the USSR collapsed.
Should we disband the US military too? Maybe we should drop nuclear bombs on our own cities to save our enemies the trouble of having to conquer us.
Lustig Andrei wrote:They weren't doing their job then.
No, there were CIA agents on the job then.