I'm not outraged- I'm just saying that I understand why there needs to be some censure of this behavior - because she IS a teacher in that school and community.
I mean seriously...are you and Frank trying to say that you think she will retain any of her ability to command respect and act as a role model and mentor to young people when the football team is talking about her prowess as a slag, easy lay, (or the village bike - as I've heard you describe women who sleep around?)
How is she supposed to stand in front of a class and teach her subject, whatever it is, when there are videos and stills of her engaged in sex acts circulating the school?
You guys think you know what young men think and feel because you were once young men, but I guarantee you you don't know how fast gossip and innuendo can circulate a highschool and make the object of it the subject of ridicule and derision which makes it impossible for that person to control a classroom and do their job.
And you know, I think people need to take responsibility for their actions, so in terms of comparing this to fifty million abortions, I can only say that the people who have had abortions are answerable to their own consciences because what they've done has only affected their lives and the lives of their own potential child while this teacher is affecting the lives of other peoples' children and thus, other people.
And yes, yes, yes- I know these young men were eighteen and not what you'd call 'children' but do you think she did that on purpose? Do you think she asked them their birthdate before she engaged? I don't know - maybe she WAS that calculating - or just maybe it was coincidence that she didn't fancy boys a little younger and/or the stars were aligned in her favor on that score, because yes - she'd have been in a hell of alot more hot water if she'd bedded someone even a little bit younger.
And yes, maybe these young men sniffed out her vulnerability on this score, but fact remains- she is the adult and in a position of authority and trust. The onus was on her to exercise better judgment.
That's it - plain and simple. We can't have teachers in schools viewing and using their students as sex partners.
Or do you think we can and should?