Actually, Beth, Olga's questions were:
Quote:I'm curious about why hold this view, Frank.
You've talked about the benefits of young males being initiated by older women in different cultures. But let's stick to the culture we live in ( I'm not living in the same culture as you, though not too different)
Anyway, why is it acceptable to you that young males be initiated into sexual activity by older women (teachers in this case), while you feel more "troubled" by female students receiving similar treatment from male teachers?
And why (by your reasoning) would male teachers "initiating" male students worry you more than the situation that's being discussed here?
Personally, I can't see the difference. I wonder why you do.
I am not sure why you think I did not answer the questions, Beth.
I did answer them.
My answer was: "I do not have to explain that...it simply is me sharing of my feelings. It was an acknowledgement that I did not have to make...but felt it appropriate to do so. I'll stick with it as is."
Apparently you do not like that answer, but that is MY answer. I am not about to cede to you the right to tell me what my answer should be. What I offered is AN answer...and it is MY answer. If you or Olga do not like it, that's tough.
Quote:Saying you're going to answer her questions and then saying you don't have to ... why bother? why not just say you have no good reason for feeling that way?
Once again, you are telling me how I should do things. I do not particularly care whether you like the way I do things or not...and I do not cede to you the right to tell me that I have to do things the way you might do them.
Anything else, Beth?