Suppose you married somebody who was $100,000 in debt.
You decide to try to find ways of reducing that debt, but no matter what you offer to do, the new wife rejects your ideas. She will not get a second job, as you are willing to do, to bring in more income, she wants to just cut expenses, mostly in the things you like the most.
Throwing up your hands, you decide to divorce her, but the courts hold that the debts of the marriage are now all yours, so now the $100,000 debt is yours alone.
But, as you go back out into the dating world, are you going to tell people that the debt is only yours or would it be okay to put in in historical perspective and say that it was foisted off on you by your former spouse, but now you are dealing with it.
Let's give credit where credit is due: The Bush Tax Cuts will be the Bush Tax Cuts no matter how many times Obama is forced by a GOP Congress to extend them. The Bush Recession, and it's long echo through the past three years, will always be the Bush Recession, even after the economy is fully recovered.
Don't like that? Good. Don't vote GOP.
Joe(then you can watch things actually improve)Nation