First off, don't make your dating decisions based upon behaviors by you or the other person that only happen while drinking. Chalk up whatever happens/doesn't happen during those times up to booze and let them go. It's considerably more important what happens when you are both sober.
And when you are both sober, you seem to keep missing each other's signals.
So - the magical thing to do - talk to her. And explain,
I said I didn't like you as more than a friend. I was wrong. I have changed. I know that that was a mistake. And see what happens, but for God's sake don't push it.
Relationships do not always happen, and she has pushed you away before. But it might just be missed signals. Try it and at least see what happens, but be prepared for a rejection.
BTW, if I were putting money on this, I would bet on her saying no. I believe that her using your earlier statement as a reason for not being together is a rather convenient excuse for her. And I believe she will pull that same excuse again. But you will not know unless you try. So try.