maxdancona wrote:
The line that struck me most during Romney's role out of the next Palin was his assertion that he is running because "America is in trouble".
This struck me for a couple of reasons. First of all, it is a very difficult premise for a political campaign. The idea that a democratic country is in trouble because of its own citizens is problematic, particularly when seeking the the votes of citizens.
I don't know if this idea of "America in trouble" has ever been part of a successful campaign. Reagan was "Morning in America". Obama was "Hope and Change". "American in trouble" is an awful downer.
But it is especially interesting in a campaign about the economy when Romney an Ryan want to take us back to G W Bush fiscal policy.
I think that "America is in trouble" is red meat to throw to a conspiracy theory driven right wing base that believes that Obama is destroying the country and equates the day birth control had to be covered by insurance with "9/11 or Pearl Harbor".
But for the general electorate, "America is in Trouble" has got to be one of the worst campaign slogans ever.
I am not surprised one bit that this is his statement. The fact is, it is a true statement. If it weren't a true statement I would be more concerned about him using it as a tactic. In fact this statement is an understatement and mild to the actual reality. People still refuse to acknowledge or accept just how bad things really are.
However; with all that said, I don't think either Romney or Obama are solutions to america's problems. Regardless of which one we end up with, things are not going to get any better for the tax payers but the rich will continue to get richer. I doubt anything will change until the economy goes belly up and even then I think people will be so underwhelmed by the crisis that they will look to government for a solution. Not realizing this whole time that it was government causing the wounds. Like a person who is being stabbed to death by a serial killer and as their remaining breaths are being taken they hold their hand out hoping the killer will rescue them. Absurdity.