The why doesn't the GOP nominate Mortimer Snerd and Charlie McCarthy? They would be an improvement to a government for the wealthy, by the wealthy, and of the wealthy that they've got for a nomination in 2012. Face it Ganja, trickle down economics has had five presidential terms in the last 32 years of trial and it has been shown to be an damnable error.
Does the GOP really believe that if you stomp on the face of the average citizen they'll get to the point where they like their face stomped on?....and where did they get this idea?----Uganda, Russia, Iraq?
Personally I wish we could bring back Clinton--I can easily forgive him his inability to keep his fly shut in lieu of his ability to politically succeed and provide a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
And by people I mean all people, poor, working and wealthy, not just the wealthy.