Tue 24 Feb, 2004 08:03 am
For an assignment I need the translation of these words in various indo-european languages, other than Dutch, German, French, Norwegian, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Latin and Portuguese.
Can anyone help me out?
1. I
2. you
3. we
4. this
5. that
6. who
7. what
8. not
9. all
10. many
11. one
12. two
13. big
14. long
15. small
16. woman
17. man
18. person
19. fish
20. bird
21. dog
22. louse
23. tree
24. seed
25. leaf
26. root
27. bark
28. skin
29. flesh
30. blood
31. bone
32. grease
33. egg
34. horn
35. tail
36. feather
37. hair
38. head
39. ear
40. eye
41. nose
42. mouth
43. tooth
44. tongue
45. claw
46. foot
47. knee
48. hand
49. belly
50. neck
51. breasts
52. heart
53. liver
54. drink
55. eat
56. bite
57. see
58. hear
59. know
60. sleep
61. die
62. kill
63. swim
64. fly
65. walk
66. come
67. lie
68. sit
69. stand
70. give
71. say
72. sun
73. moon
74. star
75. water
76. rain
77. stone
78. sand
79. earth
80. cloud
81. smoke
82. fire
83. ash
84. burn
85. path
86. mountain
87. red
88. green
89. yellow
90. white
91. black
92. night
93. hot
94. cold
95. full
96. new
97. good
98. round
99. dry
100. name
Thank you very much (:
Ow I forgot to say: I need these words in three other languages.
I could translate some of the spanish for ya, but I checked out that sit Phoenix recommended, and that's great..
1. I - yo
2. you - tú
3. we - nosotros
4. this - esto
5. that - aquello
6. who - quien
7. what - qué
8. not - no
9. all - todo, toda, todos, toda
10. many - muchas, muchos
11. one - uno
12. two - dos
13. big - grande
14. long - largo
15. small - pequeño, chico
16. woman - mujer
17. man - hombre
18. person - persona
19. fish - pez (pescado, if it has been caught)
20. bird - pájaro
21. dog - perro
22. louse - liendre
23. tree - árbol
24. seed - semilla
25. leaf - hoja
26. root - raíz
27. bark - ladrido (a bark; to bark is ladrar)
28. skin - piel
29. flesh - piel
30. blood - sangre
31. bone - hueso
32. grease - grasa
33. egg - huevo
34. horn - cuerno (tarro in Cuba and the Canary Islands)
35. tail - cola
36. feather - pluma
37. hair - pelo (cabello, for human hair)
38. head - cabeza
39. ear - oreja
40. eye - ojo
41. nose - nariz
42. mouth - boca
43. tooth - diente
44. tongue - lengua
45. claw - garra
46. foot - pie
47. knee - rodilla
48. hand - mano
49. belly - panza
50. neck - cuello
51. breasts - senos
52. heart - corazón
53. liver - hígado
54. drink - bebida (to drink is beber)
55. eat - comida (to eat is comer)
56. bite - mordida (a bite), muerde, muerda, muerdan, morded (imperative, depending on 2nd person singular or plural, formal or informal (to bite = morder)
57. see - mira, mire, miren, mirad, (as an imperative: "See me"), sede (as the Holy See), (to see is ver, mirar)
58. hear - oye, oiga, oid, oigan; escucha, escuche, (as an imperative: "Hear me"); to hear is oir, escuchar)
59. know - sabes, sepa, saben, sabed; conoce, conozca, conocen,. conoced ("know about it") as an imperative: to know is saber, conocer.
60. sleep - sueño, as a substantive; as a verb: "Sleep!", imperative: duerme, duerma, duerman, dormid; to sleep: dormir.
61. die - muere, muera, mueran, morid (as an imperative); to die: morir
62. kill - mata, mate, maten, matad (as an imperative); to kill: matar.
63. swim - nada, nade, naden, nadad (imp); to swim: nadar
64. fly - vuela, vuele, vuelen, volad (imp); to fly: volar; the insect: mosca
65. walk - caminata (a walk), camina, camine, caminen, caminad (imp), to walk: caminar
66. come - ven, venga, venid, vengan (imperative); to come: venir
67. lie - mentira (a lie); miente, mienta, mienten, mentid (imp), to lie: mentir
68. sit - siéntate, siéntese, sienténse, sentaos; to sit: sentarse.
69. stand - párate, parese, parense, paraos; to stand: pararse
70. give - da, de, dan, dad; to give: dar
71. say - dí, diga, digan, decid; to say: decir
72. sun - sol
73. moon - luna
74. star - estrella
75. water - agua
76. rain - lluvia
77. stone - piedra
78. sand - arena
79. earth - tierra
80. cloud - nube
81. smoke - humo
82. fire - fuego
83. ash - ceniza
84. burn - quemada, quemadura (a burn) quemar (to burn) : quema, queme, quemen, quemad (imp)
85. path - sendero
86. mountain - montaña
87. red - rojo, roja
88. green - verde
89. yellow - amarillo, amarilla
90. white - blanco, blanca
91. black - negro, negra
92. night - noche
93. hot - caliente
94. cold - frío, fría
95. full - lleno, llena
96. new - nuevo, nueva
97. good - bueno, buena
98. round - redondo, redonda
99. dry - seco, seca
100. name - nombre
1. I - io
2. you - tu
3. we - noi, noialtri
4. this - questo
5. that - quello
6. who - chi
7. what - che
8. not - no
9. all - tutto, tutti, tutte
10. many - molti, molte
11. one - uno
12. two - due
13. big - grande
14. long - lungo
15. small - piccolo
16. woman - donna
17. man - uomo
18. person - persona
19. fish - pesce
20. bird - uccello
21. dog - cane
22. louse - ?
23. tree - albero
24. seed - seme
25. leaf - foglia
26. root - radice
27. bark - abbaiare (to bark)
28. skin - pelle
29. flesh - pelle
30. blood - sangue
31. bone - osso
32. grease - grassa
33. egg - uovo
34. horn - corno
35. tail - coda
36. feather - piuma
37. hair - pelo (capello, for humans; except pubic hair, which is also pelo))
38. head - testa, capo
39. ear - orecchia
40. eye - occhio
41. nose - naso
42. mouth - bocca
43. tooth - dente
44. tongue - lingua
45. claw - zanna
46. foot - piede
47. knee - ginocchio
48. hand - mano
49. belly - pancia
50. neck - collo
51. breasts - seni
52. heart - cuore
53. liver - fegato
54. drink - bibita (to drink: bere)
55. eat - cibo (to eat: mangiare)
Now this works much like Spanish, with imperatives:
56. bite - morsa - a bite: mordi, morda, mordete, mordano (to bite: mordere)
57. see - vedi, veda, vedete, vedano; to see: vedere; the Holy See, la Santa sede
58. hear - senti, senta, sentite, sentano; to hear: sentire: (udire is the "official" verb; but people use "to feel")
59. know - sappi, sappia, sapete, sappiano; conosci, conosca, conoscete, conoscano (to know: sapere, conoscere)
60. sleep - sonno (substantive) dormi, dorma, dormite, dormano (imp); to sleep: dormire
61. die - muori, muora, morite, muorano (imp) to die: morire
62. kill - amazzi, amazza, ammazzate, ammazzino (imp); to kill: ammazzare
63. swim - nuota, nuoto, nuotate, nuotino (to swim: nuotare)
64. fly - vola, voli, volate, volino? (to fly: volare)
65. walk - passeggiata (a walk); cammina, cammini, camminate, camminino (to walk: camminare)
66. come - vieni, venga, venite, vengano (to come: venir)
67. lie - menzogna (a lie) - menti, menta, mentite, mentano (mentire: to lie)
68. sit - siedi, sieda, sedete, siedano (to sit: sedere)
69. stand - levati, levisi, levatevi, levisero? (to stand: levarsi)
70. give - dai, dia, date, diano (to give: dare)
71. say - di, dica, dite, dicano (to say: dire)
72. sun - sole
73. moon - luna
74. star - stella
75. water - acqua
76. rain - pioggia
77. stone - pietra
78. sand - sabbia
79. earth - terra
80. cloud - nuvola
81. smoke - fumo
82. fire - fuoco
83. ash - cenere
84. burn - bruciata (a burn); brucia, brucie, bruciate, brucino (imp) bruciare: to burn
85. path - sentiero
86. mountain - montagna
87. red - rosso, rossa
88. green - verde
89. yellow - giallo, gialla
90. white - bianco, bianca
91. black - nero, nera
92. night - notte
93. hot - caldo, calda
94. cold - freddo, fredda
95. full - pieno, piena
96. new - nuovo, nuova
97. good - buono, buona
98. round - rotondo, rotonda
99. dry - secco, secca
100. name - nome
Im amazed that you actually took the time to type in the words baezer. You are a real mensche.
She said other than...
What counts as an indo-european language? I know some of those in Hebrew.
1. I - Ani
2. you - Atah (masc.) At (fem.)
3. we - Anachnu
4. this - Zeh (masc.) Zot (fem.)
5. that
6. who - Mi
7. what - Ma
8. not - Lo
9. all
10. many - Rabim/Rabot ????
11. one - Echad
12. two - Shtei, Shtyim
13. big - Gadol/a
14. long
15. small - Katan/a
16. woman - Eesha, and I believe there's another word too, but I can't remember it.
17. man - Adam
18. person - Adama = humanity - I know there's a word for a person, but I can't remember it.
19. fish
20. bird
21. dog - Celev
22. louse
23. tree - Eitz
24. seed
25. leaf
26. root
27. bark
28. skin
29. flesh
30. blood
31. bone
32. grease
33. egg - Beitzah
34. horn
35. tail
36. feather
37. hair
38. head - Rosh
39. ear - Ozen
40. eye
41. nose - Ahf
42. mouth
43. tooth
44. tongue - Lashon
45. claw
46. foot - Regel
47. knee
48. hand - Yad
49. belly
50. neck
51. breasts
52. heart
53. liver
54. drink - L'shtoh, I believe, root SH T H
55. eat
56. bite
57. see - L'r'oh, root R <silent> H
58. hear
59. know
60. sleep
61. die - I don't remember, but the word for death is Ma'at, leading me to think that the root would be M <silent> T
62. kill
63. swim
64. fly
65. walk - L'chloch - root CH L CH
66. come - L'boh ??? root is B H anyway.
67. lie
68. sit - L'yoshev - root Y SH V, also "to live"
69. stand - L'amid ??? root - A M D
70. give - L'noten - root N T N
71. say - L'amar - root A M R
72. sun
73. moon
74. star
75. water
76. rain
77. stone
78. sand
79. earth - Olam = world
80. cloud
81. smoke
82. fire - Eish ????
83. ash
84. burn
85. path
86. mountain
87. red - Adom
88. green
89. yellow
90. white
91. black
92. night
93. hot
94. cold
95. full
96. new
97. good
98. round
99. dry
100. name - Shem
I've forgotten so much.
Hebrew is not an Indo-European language, rufio, but you've certainly does yeoman work here. Now, Yiddish is an Indo-European langauge. So is Ladino.
I was going to do a list in Latvian, but I don't have the appropriate diacritical marks on my keyboard. I could do a partial list, I suppose, or one with phonetic spellings. Would that help you, D1 Doris?
I never got what "indo-European" was supposed to mean...
rufio, Indo-European languages constitute a lnaguage group of related languages which include most of the kanguages spoken in Europe today (exceptions: Basque, Estonian, Finnish, Hungarian, probably some other minor ones) as well as Farsi (the language of Iran), Pashtu (I think) and Sanskrit. It is generally believed by most linguists that all of these modern languages evolved from one common language spoken thousands of years ago by the people who settl4ed the European continent and the Indian subcontinent. Those European groups which do not speak an Indo-European language were either (1)earlier residents of the area, later displaced and/or subjugated by the Indo-Europeans; or (2) later immigrants who retained the language they btought with them, most likely from East Asia (the Finno-Ugric group of Finns, Estonians and Hungarians speak languages related to Finno-Ugric groups in Siberia.) Indo-European lamguages are further subdivided into sub-groups. English belongs to the Germanic sub-group; Frensh, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and Romanian belong to the Romance sub-group. And so on.
Thought that would be easier reading than Phoenix's wonderful but oh-so-erudite link.
Ah what the hell, I'll give it a go. Would be a personal test for me at the same time.
So here goes, in Macedonian. I'll use the Croation letters, which are also used by the Macedonians, in case of the need of latin writing. 8)
Almost all words are pronounced as they are written.
When a consonant preceeds the r, the r will have the english "e" from "after" between the consonant and r.
The same is the case when dealing with the "n"
The stress almost always falls on the first syllably, almost never on the last.
J => like German "j"
R => like Spanish "r"
I => like every Latin "i"
=> Like "sh" in "show"
ð = > Like "j" in "Jack"
è => Like "ch" in "bachelor"
=> Like "g" in French "rouge"
U => Like Italian/Spanish "u"
C => like "ts" in "wrists" or "tsunami"
Kj => like "cu" in "cute"
Nj => In some cases like "ñ" in Spanish "señor"
Lj => In some cases like "gl" in Italian "gigli"
1. I => Ja
2. you => Ti
3. we => Mi(j)e/Ni(j)e
4. this => Ova
5. that => To(v)a
6. who => Koj
7. what => to
8. not => Ne (meaning no)
9. all => S(v)e (everything) S(v)ite (everybody)
10. many => Mnogu
11. one => Eden
12. two => Dva
13. big => Golemo
14. long => Dugaèko
15. small => Maleèko
16. woman => ena
17. man => Mu(ko)
18. person => Èovek
19. fish => Riba
20. bird => Ptica
21. dog => Kuce
22. louse => Don't know
23. tree => Drvo (meaning wood)
24. seed => Seme
25. leaf => List
26. root => Koren
27. bark => Don't know, but Lajenje is barking
28. skin => Koa
29. flesh => Meso
30. blood => Krv
31. bone => Koska
32. grease => Maslo
33. egg => Jajce
34. horn => Don't know
35. tail => Opa
36. feather => Don't know
37. hair => Kosa (the total) Vlakna (a single one)
38. head => Glava
39. ear => Uvo/Ue
40. eye => Oko
41. nose => Nos
42. mouth => Usta
43. tooth => Zub
44. tongue => Jazik (also means language)
45. claw => Don't know
46. foot => Noga
47. knee => Kolen
48. hand => Ruka
49. belly => Stomak (not sure)
50. neck => Vrat
51. breasts => Cicki/Sisi (could be slang)
52. heart => Srce
53. liver => Ðiger
54. drink => Pijaèka (a drink), Pijenje (drinking)
55. eat => Jadenje
56. bite => Don't know
57. see => Videnje/Gledanje
58. hear => Sluanje (also means listening)
59. know => Znaenje
60. sleep => Spijenje
61. die => Umiranje/Zaginenje
62. kill => Ubijenje/Utepanje
63. swim => Plivanje
64. fly => Letanje
65. walk => Peaèanje
66. come => Dovadjanje
67. lie => Laenje
68. sit => Sedenje
69. stand => Stojenje
70. give => Davanje/Dadenje
71. say => Kaenje
72. sun => Sunce/Sonce/Slnce
73. moon => Meseca
74. star => Dzvezda (one of my favorite words
75. water => Voda
76. rain => Do
77. stone => Kamen
78. sand => Pesok
79. earth => Zemja (meaning land and soil)
80. cloud => Oblak
81. smoke => Dim
82. fire => Ogin
83. ash => Pepel
84. burn => Gorenje
85. path => Pat
86. mountain => Planina
87. red => Crveno
88. green => Zeleno
89. yellow => olto
90. white => Belo
91. black => Crno
92. night => Nokj
93. hot => Ljuto (spicey) Toplo (warm)
94. cold => Ladno
95. full => Puno/Polno
96. new => Novo
97. good => Dobro
98. round => Krupno (3d) Kruno (circular)
99. dry => Suvo
100. name => Ime
PS: if the special characters show up weird, it's because of a so-called Russification program that screwed up my windows.
This is excellent! Thank you all very very much!
And the dictionary site was very helpfull too.
The Latvian will come too late for the assignment cuz I'm printing this all out today to use it tomorrow (I won't be able to come online tomorrow before I have class), but I'd like to know the latvian words anyway (:
By the way, "Den Nederduytschen Draeck", where are you from??
1. I - Jeg
2. you - du
3. we - vi
4. this - dette
5. that - det
6. who - hvem
7. what - hva
8. not - ikke
9. all - alle, alt
10. many - mange
11. one - en
12. two - to
13. big - stor, stort
14. long - lang, langt
15. small - liten, lite, lita
16. woman - kvinne
17. man - mann
18. person - person
19. fish - fisk
20. bird - fugl
21. dog - hund
22. louse - lus
23. tree - tre
24. seed - frø
25. leaf - blad, løv
26. root - rot
27. bark - bark (I take it you mean "bast" in Dutch??)
28. skin - hud
29. flesh - kjøtt
30. blood - blod
31. bone - ben
32. grease - fett
33. egg - egg
34. horn - horn
35. tail - hale
36. feather - fjær
37. hair - hår
38. head - hode
39. ear - øre
40. eye - øye
41. nose - nese
42. mouth - munn
43. tooth - tann
44. tongue - tunge
45. claw - klo
46. foot - fot
47. knee - kne
48. hand - hånd
49. belly - mage
50. neck - hals (front & general) or nakke (back)
51. breasts - bryst
52. heart - hjerte
53. liver - lever
54. drink - drikke (verb)
55. eat - spise
56. bite - bite
57. see - se
58. hear - høre
59. know - vite
60. sleep - sove
61. die - dø
62. kill - drepe
63. swim - svømme
64. fly - fly
65. walk - gå, vandre, spasere
66. come - komme
67. lie - ligge
68. sit - sitte
69. stand - stå
70. give - gi
71. say - si
72. sun - sol
73. moon - måne
74. star - stjerne
75. water - vann
76. rain - regn
77. stone - sten
78. sand - sand
79. earth - jord
80. cloud - sky
81. smoke - røyk
82. fire - brann
83. ash - aske
84. burn - brenne
85. path - sti
86. mountain - fjell
87. red - rød
88. green - grønn
89. yellow - gul
90. white - hvit
91. black - svart
92. night - natt
93. hot - varm, het
94. cold - kald
95. full - full
96. new - ny
97. good - god
98. round - rund
99. dry - tørr
100. name - navn